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'Just tell me when you can feel anything Mrs. Cabello'

I watched apprehensively as a male middle aged doctor ran the end of a small pen up my mothers right leg.

'There' she said, I looked down and saw that the pen which had started at the base of her foot was now at her upper thigh.

'Okay, now the other leg'

He repeated the process but thankfully she stopped him while he was at the top of her foot. After a few minutes a female nurse helped my mother into an upright position so she could speak to the doctor who was scribbling down on a notepad.

'Mrs. Cabello I have your results. Would you like to hear them now or would you rather I tell you alone?'

'No, you can tell me now' I smiled at my mom who had gained back her strength in the last few days. Her face had returned to its natural tanned complexion and her speech had become more clear.

'Ok, it appears that your left leg is paralysed from your mid thigh and down' while he scribbled something else down I felt Dinah squeeze my shoulder comfortingly. My dad was sitting next to my mother, holding her hand while Dinah was next to me.

'It is very unlikely that you will ever gain full control of your leg again but physio therapy can make the world of difference. We will need you to come back regularly for check ups and we'll see then if there has been any improvement. Have you any questions?'

I watched as my mother swallowed her words and shook her head, with a final sad smile the doctor walked out the door and left us in silence. I balled my hands into fists with anger when I realised that my mom was paralysed and some asshole was walking around the street as if nothing had happened.

'Well, I think it's unfair that your in a hospital bed and still look flawless Mrs. C' I looked up with a grateful smile at Dinah, she could make any situation bearable.

'Oh stop Mija' I watched in amusement as they both started laughing, my dad chuckling to himself at the scene. I looked down at my phone when I heard it beep.


Every Saturday I always worked out for a few hours. Well, I have to keep my flawless figure as Lauren would say. Lauren. Just the thought of the black haired goddess caused a mix of emotions in the pit of my stomach.

'Mami, I'm really sorry but I have to go' I looked over at her apologetically.

'It's fine Mija, I know it's Saturday' she smiled understandingly before I leaned down and kissed her forehead 'I have to talk to your father anyway'

'Okay, I'll call in and see you tomorrow' I grabbed Dinah's hand and practically dragged her out of the hospital, she was my ride after all. I swear that woman loves my mother more than I do sometimes but that's why I love my Cheeche.

'You okay Chanch?'

I ripped myself away from my thoughts to look at Dinah's side profile 'yeah, I'm fine' I lied weakly

'Walz' she smirked


'Has anyone ever told you your a terrible liar?'

I couldn't help but chuckle 'yes' Lauren had told me numerous times actually.

'You know your like an open book to me so, tell me what's on your mind'

That's what I love about Dinah, one minute she could be this goofy and carefree person but the next she's the most caring and loving person you could ever ask for 'I'm fucking pissed Cheech' she glanced over at me quickly with sympathetic eyes.

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