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I burst through the double doors, stumbling to regain my balance.

'Camila, slow down'

I didn't turn around to Lauren and instead rushed to the receptionist.

'Sinu Cabello, she came in a few hours ago' I stuttered

'Are you a family member and or a relative?' The old woman asked with a bored voice.

I narrowed my eyes on her and slammed both my fists down on her desk 'she is my mother'

The obnoxious woman deliberately started to slowly type on her computer before saying 'room 70, top floor' I didn't bother with a thank you and ran towards the elevator, I heard Lauren apologies before she ran after me. I quickly tapped the top floor button on the elevator, Lauren barely made it in before the doors shut. I ran my hand through my hair and started to tap my foot impatiently.


'What?' I snapped, instantly regretting my tone when I saw the hurt look in her eyes 'I'm sorry'

'I understand but you need to stay calm. I'm sure your mother will be fine'

'You don't know that' I mumbled. I looked down at my fingers when I felt her softly interlock her pinky with mine but I instantly retracted my hand 'we're in public' I muttered.

Luckily the elevator doors opened, saving both of us from the awkward silence. The smell of the hospital clung to the back of my throat, it smelt of sweat and a hot stuffiness filled the air making me feel sick. I was rushing around the corridor like a headless chicken until I stopped and saw my dad sitting in a plastic chair with his head in his hands.

'Do you want me to leave?'

I jumped when I heard Lauren talk from beside me 'um... no that's ok' I walked up slowly and kneeled in front of my father.


He looked up slowly, I saw how tired he looked and the tear stains on his cheeks 'mija' he wrapped his big arms around me and pulled me into a hug 'oh Mrs. Jauregui I didn't know you were here'

'I came to drop off Camila. I didn't want her taking a cab and please call me Lauren'

'That's very kind of you Lauren' my dad was slowly rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.

'H-how is she?' I asked.

'She's not good Mija' my dad said softly, I felt my heart lurch and my stomach drop 'there's bleeding in her brain and there's a strong chance she could have spinal damage. They told me to... prepare for the worst' I jumped quickly away from my dad.

'But she'll be ok, right?'

'Mija... its not looking good'

'No, no, no she'll be fine!' I said frantically, slowly walking away from him and Lauren who now had a worried look on her face. I suddenly felt my chest tighten and my vision started to blur. Fuck! Not now! I quickly stumbled away trying desperately to find a bathroom. I eventually found one and pushed myself forcefully against the door causing me to stumble inside. Luckily all the cubicles were empty so no one could see my breakdown. I walked over to the sink and splashed cold water onto my face, not caring if I wrecked my mascara. When that didn't help I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my tablets for my panic attacks. I tried desperately to open the small container but I only succeeded in dropping the pills all over the floor, scattering them everywhere.

'Shit!' I yelled as I forcefully punched the tile wall. I hit it again and again, needing to feel something other than sadness. I punched it for my mother who was fighting for my life. I punched it for Brad and what he had done to me. I punched it for Lauren, how she dragged me into her life. But I mostly punched it for myself. I had managed to screw up my life in a little under a month. Isn't that a great achievement?

I screamed out when someone wrapped both their arms around my body and pulled me away from the now bloody wall.

'Let go of me' I screamed, kicking out my legs and arms. I only stopped when my elbow connected with their face. I turned around abruptly and was met with Lauren's emerald eyes, she was holding a hand against her top lip.


She moved her hand away and I gasped when I saw a trail of red blood coming from her lip. I did that. I hurt another person.

'Camz...' she said softly, she must of seen the hurt expression on my face as she slowly took a step towards me.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you and I was just so angry-... I didn't know what to do so I freaked out but it was you and not my dad, I thought it was a doctor but it was you and I didn't think-'

She shut me up by placing her cool hand over my mouth 'it's fine. I've gotten worse' she laughed softly. I looked down at her mouth and saw that it was still bleeding and as her lip welled with blood, my eyes welled with tears.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I never...' my sentence was cut short as a sob ripped through my body. I slowly slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest.

'Oh Camz' Lauren whispered as she sat next to be and pulled my body into her lap 'it's okay baby. I'm here' she slowly ran her fingers through my hair while I buried my head in the crook of her neck, her smell calming me down tremendously. She smelt like feminine perfume but also... home. She smelt like home.

'I'm sorry' I said hoarsely against her skin, goosebumps soon arising on the soft area.

'For what?'

'I busted your lip' I mumbled

'You wanna kiss it better for me?' She joked, making me giggle. I sat up slowly and looked at Lauren's face. Her lip had left a trail of blood from her mouth and down her chin. With the sleeve of my sweater I gently cleaned the trail of blood and every so carefully dabbed at her cut making her wince.

'Baby' I mocked.

'Babe' she said back


'Oh I thought we were saying our nicknames for each other' she smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood up while helping Lauren to her feet.

'Hey' she said softly, grabbing my wrist and turning me towards her. She slowly brought her hands up to my cheeks and wiped away my tears but also my pain 'what did I tell you?'

I looked into her eyes with confusion before she smiled gently 'I told you pretty girls shouldn't cry'


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