The End

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*1 week later*

Lately I've felt... empty. And alone. Me and Ariana didn't work out. I tried to be with her but it is very hard to pretend to be in love with someone when you're heart is with another. So now here we are. A week later. I would never of guessed what was about to happen...

'Hey Chancho' Dinah smiled when I slumped into her car. I groaned in response and rested my head on the cool window while I closed my eyes.

'Didn't get enough sleep?' She continued, pulling out of my drive way and towards that dreaded school.

'No' I mumbled. I haven't had a full nights sleep since Lauren shattered my heart. Thankfully Dinah knew I was in a bad mood and didn't pester the subject. We arrived at the school a few minutes later.

'Chanch, I'm gonna head to the library real quick before class, I'll meet you after English!'

'Ok Cheeche'

She turned off the engine and jumped out of the car before racing towards the library.

Here we go again.

I slung my bag across my back and walked towards the school. But something was wrong. Do you ever feel like everyone's staring at you? That they're judging your every move? That's what was happening. And I wasn't imagining it. Literally every pair of eyes were on me. People stopped their conversations just to gawk at me.

What's happening? I thought.

I shrunk in on myself and trained my eyes to the floor when I pushed through the double doors. Then I saw it. I saw what the big deal was. On every surface of the wall, on ever door and on every locker was a picture. And on the picture as me and...

Lauren. At the beach together, in the middle of a very heated make out session.



This can't be happening!!!

My blood turned to ice in my veins as my heart fell. I kept my head down and rushed towards the bathroom. Thankfully it was empty and I locked myself in a cubicle. Then I let the tears fall. That was it. Everything's ruined. My education, Lauren's career, everything. My eyes were like a dam. Once one rock came loose, it all gives way. I looked down with watery eyes and saw that I had one minutes to get to class. With shaky legs I lifted myself off the floor and unlocked the door.

The halls were practically bare, except for the usual strays. I pushed open the door to Lauren's class and stopped in my tracks. On the over head projector was a blown up imagine of the photos that were lining the walls.

'Oh here she is' I turned to the source of the voice and saw a smirking Austin 'didn't think you'd have the nerve to show up here, slut'

I felt tears burning my eyes again. With a trembling lip I sat down in my usual seat. Thankfully Austin was at the very back with his sniggering group of friends. I folded my arms in front of me, resting my head on top of them. I didn't bother looking up when I heard the chair creek from next to me.

'Hey dyke! I'm talking to you!'

I stiffened when he roughly grabbed my arm and yanked my head up 'what was the deal? You gave her a good fuck and she lifts you're grades?'

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