Spaces Between Us

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'So' he started 'how long has Lauren been your teacher?'

My heart thundered deafly loud in my ears. My breathing intensified and I swear my heart stopped. Brad was sitting there smugly, a smirk plastered on his Idiotic face.

'I- I don't know what your talking about' I said weakly, worry eating away at my body; making me feel sick and nauseous.

'Cut the crap Camilla' he spat, pronouncing my name wrong but I hardly noticed 'you are going to fucking listen to me now, okay?'

I nodded dumbly, twisting my fingers nervously.

'I know all about you. I know that your Lauren's student. What was the deal? She got to fuck you and you get better grades?'

'You no nothing' I said firmly, my voice quivering

'Oh but I do Camilla' he smiled cynically 'are you trying to get Lauren arrested? Because that's what will happen when everyone finds out. So here's what's gonna happen. You listening sweetheart?'

My face paled as I nodded slowly.

'You. Are going to stay the hell away from my wife. Do not fucking touch her again. Don't even look at her because I swear to god Camilla, I will call the cops on both of you. She'll get arrested and put in jail and your education will be screwed, oh and don't even think of telling her that I came to see you. Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes' I whispered, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill.

'Good girl' he mocked before standing up from his chair 'I'm doing this for your own good Camilla'

He took a lock of my hair between my fingers and pushed it behind my ear, making me recoil. After he left his fingers seemed to leave behind a burning sensation on my skin that made me want to bathe in bleach. How did he know Lauren was my teacher? More importantly, what the fuck do I do now?


I jumped in fright when someone placed their hand on my shoulder but I relaxed when I saw Lauren looking down on me. How long was I sitting here?


'I said I was ready to go. You okay?' I saw a tenderness in her eyes that made me feel weak... but I can't do this. Not after what Bard had said. I'd rather separate myself from Lauren than have her arrested.

'I'm fine. Let's go' I said quickly, not daring to reach her questioning gaze. As we walked towards her car she subtly brushed her fingers against mine. Once I would have gladly taken her hand but now I took a step away. Getting into the car I didn't miss the dejected look on her face. The whole ride was filled with awkward silences and the gentle hum of the radio.

'H-how was Chris?' I asked

'He'll be in a coma for a few more weeks they reckon. . . But it could be worse' she smiled weakly.

'I'm sorry Lauren'

She glanced over at me before connecting her eyes back to the road 'me too Camz'

When we finally reached Lauren's house I practically jumped out of the moving car, needing to put some distance between us.

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