I Miss You

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Have you ever gotten two strong magnets and slowly pulled one so that the other trailed after it? That invisible pull that refused to let the magnets separate without a fight. That's what I was doing right now. I watched as Lauren stormed out of the cafeteria, shoving both double doors open forcefully and disappearing down the corridor.

'Chanch, are you okay? I swear to god I'm going to fucking snap that child's neck!' Dinah muttered, cracking her knuckles slowly.

I slowly pulled my eyes away from Lauren's figure and turned back towards my friends who were all looking at me with concerned eyes.

'Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks Ari' I leaned forward and pulled Ariana into a very short hug before I stood up 'I'm just gonna go to the bathroom'

'I'll go with you' Normani offered kindly, followed by a nod from Ally.

'No, it's ok. I just... wanna be alone for a second'

'Don't be too long Chanch' Dinah said gently, offering a supportive smile. I nodded my head and walked towards the bathroom. Just before I could push the door open I swerved to the right and quickly rushed down the quiet corridor. To say that I was worried about Lauren would be an understatement, why would she just dart out of the cafeteria like that? Before I could answer the questions I needed answers to I was already outside of the wooden door to her classroom. Without a second thought I was already swinging open the door.

Said girl was hunched over her desk and scribbling down on some papers. She finally looked up when I quietly shut the door but hastily looked back down at her papers.

'Can I help you with something?' She asked robotically, making me frown in confusion.

'Are you okay?' I asked, cautiously taking a step towards her desk.

'I'm perfectly fine, now what can I help you with Miss. Cabello because I am very busy' she finally looked up and I saw her eyes were black. Blacker than any dark shadow that could creep into a bitter mans soul.

'What's wrong?' I asked again, taking a another step forward so that I was directly in front of her desk.

'Nothing is wrong, now if you will excuse me I have to correct these papers'

This was not Lauren. Sure, everybody had bad days but she was never like this on her bad days... not to me anyway. Usually I could lighten her mood by just showing up or telling one of my amazing jokes. But that wasn't going to cut it today.

'Lauren, tell me what happened'

'It's Mrs. Jauregui' she snapped, standing up so abruptly that her chair toppled over 'now fuck off and go back to sweet Ariana'

I tried to hide the hurt in my eyes by focusing on the shiny zipper of her leather jacket and biting the inside of my cheek 'this isn't you' I mumbled

'You' she pointed a finger at my chest, raising her voice 'don't know a thing about my life'

'I do-'

'Don't interrupt me!' She shouted. I jumped back in fright at the venom in her voice 'you don't know the fucking struggles I've been through or the shitty things I've had to do to get to where I am today!'

'Well I've been through some shitty situations too Lauren! Shall we name a few?' I yelled back 'ok, how about the time Austin tried to rape me? Or when my mother got hit by a fucking car, paralysing her leg! Oh and let's not forget when Brad practically forced my hand into his pants-'

I suddenly clamped a hand over my mouth and my eyes widened. I watched as Lauren's face went from anger to complete rage in the space of 0.2 seconds.

'He did what?' She whispered, hands clenched into fists and her breath laboured.

'It's done. It's over, I'm over it' I muttered, running a shaky hand through my hair.

'Well I am fucking not! When was this?!'

I paused and looked into her eyes. Her once sweet and gentle eyes now held nothing but hate and something else that sent a shiver of fear up my spine.

'When I was at your house' I whispered. That did it. I watched helplessly when she turned quickly on her feet and pushed everything on her desk onto the floor before kicking her chair.

'Fuck!' She shouted. I didn't think of the consequences as I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her neck, forcing her to stop kicking the chair.

'Camila let go of me!' She said harshly, her voice cracking along with my heart.

'Stop' I whispered, holding her in place with my hand tangled her her hair. She eventually gave up struggling and basically collapsed into my arms. Slowly, her trashing and struggling was replaced with the most heartbreaking sobs I had ever heard in my life.

'Shh, Laur done cry. Please' I had to fight back my own tears while I tried to comfort the weeping girl. The girl who I had come to realise that I was madly and deeply in love with.

She eventually stopped her crying and we just stood there, holding each other while she rested her head on my shoulder. It felt strange considering that she was taller than me but it felt right.

'My brother died'

I opened my mouth slowly, my jaw dropping in shock 'w-what?'

'He died this morning' she started, moving her head from my shoulder to move back slightly so she could look at me. I took this chance to clean the tear tracks that stained her cheeks with the sleeve of my flannel 'they took him off life support and said that if he didn't start breathing on his own then there was no point putting him back on again. There was nothing they could do' her voice was hoarse and cracked after every word.

'Lauren I'm so fucking sorry' I whispered, barrelling towards her to crush her in another hug 'if I'd know I wouldn't of snapped and started shouting'

'Just seeing you and Ariana... together. It threw me over the edge' she mumbled, running her hand through the hairs at the back of my head.

'We aren't together' I said firmly, tightening my grip around her waist.

'You might as well be. I see the way she looks at you' she slowly pulled her head back and rested her forehead against mine 'it's the way I look at you'

Closing my eyes I slowly sucked in a shaky breath and opened my tear filled eyes, her green ones looking back at mine.

'I miss you' I whispered with a watery smile.

'Then there's nothing left to say'

And like two magnets I pulled her lips to mine, trying to steal away her pain and fill it with an everlasting love that only I could give her.


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