Unexpected Kindness

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'Mija, you should probably get going or you'll be late'

I looked up from my cereal and frowned in confusion 'I still have twenty minutes till Dinah is picking me up Mami'

My mother shook her head, taking a sip from her coffee before she spoke 'no, Dinah called this morning, she said she's sick so she can't pick you up'

I dropped my bowl in the sink as I rushed around the house frantically 'why didn't you tell me Mami? It's raining I'm going to be late'

'I did tell you, but you were half asleep'

I grumbled from upstairs, rooting around in my wardrobe 'Mami where's my rain coat?'

'Dry-cleaners' she yelled back. I stomped my foot in annoyance as I pulled on my grey hoodie. I was going to be drenched.

'See you after school Mami' I said, kissing her cheek before I ran out the door and pulling my hood over my head. While I walked, the harsh rain spat cold bullets at my face and the strong wind numbed my ears. It was no surprise that after five minutes I was soaked to the bone and my whole body was trembling. Of all the days to be sick Dinah!

As my feet squelched in my wet converse a pick up truck unexpectedly zoomed past me, not even trying to dodge the huge puddle that splashed me from head to toe.

'Are you fucking kidding me?!' I yelled, I blinked furiously at the never ending rain, it was only fuelling my anger. I grumbled to myself as I rushed down the street, only stopping when a black Audi R8 slowed down next to me. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out who was inside the car but it was to no avail.

Suddenly the window rolled down.

'Miss Cabello?' The familiar husky voice said.

'Um, good morning Mrs Jauregui' I said awkwardly.

'What are you doing?' She asked

'Going to school, I'm pretty sure that I have you for third class' I joked

'Why are you walking in the rain?' She continued

'Oh, Dinah's sick so... I'm walking. I'll see ya at school' I quickly finished the conversation and started to walk away again. I kept my head down, hoping she'd just leave but as usual luck wasn't on my side.

'Get in Camila' she said, driving slowly next to me. Ha! A closed small space for a period of time with Lauren Jauregui! I'd probably jump her bones.

'Oh no, that's ok mrs Jauregui. But thanks anyway'


'I'm nearly there anyway-'

'Get in the car Ms cabello' she demanded, her voice demanding authority. After a few seconds of contemplating I climbed into the posh car. Just like Lauren, her car was sleek and mysterious. It had smooth leather seats and a polished dashboard. And of course I was now drowning in her scent of feminine perfume. I wondered if her soft neck tasted like her scent, scraping my teeth along the smooth skin, dragging my tongue along her sharp jawline...

'Nice car' I smiled, rubbing my hands together to gain some warmth.

'My husband bought it for me'

My face instantly dropped. Her husband. Man husband. Of course. Why are the good ones always straight?!?!

'Well, ex actually' she mumbled, tightening her grip on the steering wheel.

'Oh, I'm sorry' I said sympathetically, secretly having a fiesta in my head.

'Just waiting on the damned divorce papers' she joked. I smiled weakly, once again rubbing my hands together for warmth.

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