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'Fucking Dyke!'

'Fucking Lesbo!'

Ariana reached up and slammed me harshly into my locker. I banged my head hard, making me fall to the floor.

'Yeah that's right. Stay on the dirty floor where you belong!'

I looked up at her menacing face before she kicked me in the stomach.




Ariana's face soon morphed into Lauren's very concerned one. She was leaning on her elbow, looking down at me while I breathed in low shallow breaths.


'You were having a nightmare'

I sat up slowly, avoiding her questioning gaze 'oh, sorry' I stood up from the bed quickly but only to be dragged back down when Lauren grabbed my wrist.

'Camz, your crying' she whispered.

Reaching up to my face my cheeks were indeed tracked with tears. Looking anywhere but her eyes, I looked down at my hands with embarrassment. I jumped slightly when Lauren gently grabbed my chin and with the tips of her fingers wiped away my tear stained cheeks.

'What were you dreaming about?' She asked


'Hey' she smiled reassuringly, crossing her legs so she was sitting in front of me 'you can tell me'

'Well, do you remember when I told you that I was bullied a few years back?' She nodded her head, indicating for me to continue while she softly rubbed the back of my hand with the pad of her thumb 'I used to date this girl called Ariana. She was still in the closet at the time and I had no problem with that, I knew how hard it was to come out. I mean I haven't properly come out yet either but anyway. Whenever we were out in public and we spotted someone we knew she'd always distance herself from me and treat me like I wasn't even there. Well one day some of her friends saw us together at the park and they asked us if we were dating, I didn't deny it so they put two and two together and found out. She blamed me for months, saying stuff like I gave her a 'lesbian disease'" I rolled my eyes, reliving the memories 'that's when all the bullying started. She'd hit me any chance she got. Call me names, or do shit to my locker, but I'd never tell anyone. I never told anyone because she was my first love. It only stopped when she and her family moved away... and I've never heard from her since'

'I'm sorry Camz'

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts 'don't be. It's in the past'

Lauren nodded her head as her eyes slowly trailed down my face and landed on my lips. It was only now that I realised our close proximity. You don't understand how much I would love to lean forward and taste her delectable lips. I found myself leaning in before I realised what I was doing, her lips were ghosting over mine before I pulled away and jumped off the bed

'I'm gonna go shower' I said, trying to ignore the voice in the back of my head that was telling me to run back into her arms and kiss her till my lips hurt. When I stepped into the bathroom I unlocked my phone . Sunday 10:37pm
-Austin Mahone: 2 unread messages.

I unlocked my phone and opened Austins texts.

Austin😘: Hey babe

Austin😘: Txt me wen u get a chance. Love u!

I smiled to myself, leaning against the bathroom sink.

Mila💚: Hey Boo, how's life without me going?😂

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