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Have you ever craved someone? Their smell, their voice their being? Like you need to see their face just to function. You don't feel okay until you know they're ok? That's how I feel. I know what Brad did wasn't Lauren's fault, but i can't look at her without seeing him. How he grabbed my wrist and forced me to-


I jumped in fright at my mothers voice from outside my door.

'Yes, Mami?'

'Mrs. Jauregui is here. She said you forgot something in your hotel room'

Shit! Shit! Why the fuck is she here?

'Mami I'm actually not feeling well, could you take it for me and tell Mrs. Jauregui that I'll see her in school tomorrow?'

'Ok Mija'

I breathed out a shaky sigh of relief and buried myself under the covers. I could hear low muffled voices downstairs and then a door closing. Thank God. I was comforted by the darkness under my blankets, I felt like I wasn't caught up in this mess with Lauren's family, I wasn't dating Austin or in a relationship with my teacher. I was alone and happy.

A few minutes passed when I heard my bedroom door open. I pretended to be asleep but then I felt the bed dip. I slowly stuck my head out from under the blankets, blinking from the sudden light change.

'Mami can-...oh'

It wasn't my mother, it was in fact Lauren. She was sitting next to me with a gentle smile on her lips. She was wearing a loose blue tank top that showed her... white lace bra that accentuated her pale skin to a softer tan colour. It looked so soft, so tempting to just reach out and trace her flawless body.

'Take a picture, it'll last longer' she smirked.

'W-what are you doing here?' I stuttered, shrinking back slightly under my blankets.

'Oh... you left this at my house' she held out my pair of black ankle socks with yellow bananas.

I giggled lowly 'you could of kept them'

'But then yo- what's happened to your wrist?'

I looked down in confusion and saw that the blanket was no longer covering my arm. I avoided her gaze and put it back under the blanket but she held it fast.

'Ow Lauren'

'Who did this to you?' She said slowly, coldly

'It doesn't-'

'Camz' she whispered, kneeling on the floor next to my bed 'who did this to you?'

I looked into her hypnotic emerald eyes and watched as they filled with worry and anger all at once. I pulled my arm out of her grasp and turned my back to her.

'Doesn't matter' I mumbled.

I could hear her release a shaky breath through her nose 'what's wrong?'

'Lauren, I think it would be best if you leave'

The bed dipped again and when I opened my eyes i saw Lauren laying next to me, so close our breath mingled and our noses nearly touched.

'Don't shut me out' she whispered.

'There's nothing you can do' I said firmly, building up another wall.

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