Old Faces

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'When did you get the call?'

'Half an hour ago, I told your mother and she told me to go without her but I thought you should be there' The anger and worry was evident in my dad's voice at the thought of meeting the man who had come so close to taking away my mothers life forever. It's not a surprise though, I was absolutely livid.

We arrived at the police station a few minutes later, I sat on a hard plastic chair while my dad spoke to a woman behind the desk. I twirled my fingers into knots, my nerves getting the best of me. I looked up when someone placed a hand on my shoulder and saw my dad.

'They're ready for us to see him'

Nodding my head I stood up and trailed behind him while he was following an old police man with a slight limp in his step. He stopped abruptly outside a mahogany wooden door.

'It's just in here, Detective Grande will be interviewing him so you can see through the one way mirror'

My dad nodded his head and lead me inside the dark room. Through the one way mirror I could see a man who looked to be in his mid twenties. He had the sides and the back of his head shaven but his scruffy blonde hair stood up on the top of his head, he was wearing a sleeveless flannel and a proud smirk on his face while he stared at the mirror. It felt like he was looking right at me.

'Do you recognise him Mija?'

I turned away from the smug man and slowly shook my head at my dad. I honestly didn't know him, I've never seen him before in my life.

'When are they starting the interview?' I asked while looking at the big cam corder in the corner in the room.

'Any second now' I looked over and saw Alejandro run a hand over his face while exhaling a long sigh. It was obvious that he was stressed. This was all just too much to take in.

'Sorry I'm late' The door clicked up and a sweet female voice filled the small room. I turned around to greet the detective but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who it was 'hi, I'm Detective Grande or you can call me Ariana, whatever suites you'

'It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Alejandro and this is my daughter Camila' my dad stuck his hand out and shook Detectives Grande's hand. Everything seemed to move in slow motion when she turned her body and her brown eyes connected with mine. She however, seemed unfazed and smiled kindly.

'It's lovely to meet you Camila' sticking out her hand I timidly reached out and lightly shook it.

'Um, hi' I mumbled before retracting my hand. Her eyes glanced to mine quickly, a hint of emotion swirling in her brown orbs but before I could decipher it she had turned her attention back to my dad.

'If you didn't already know I'm the head of this investigation. My main skill is reading people, I analyse their body language to find the truth and deeper meaning behind their words. I'll be interviewing Mr. McVey, right... yeah Adam McVey' she doubled check flicking through her papers 'you can stay here and pay attention to anything he says, it could remind you of anything. The smallest of detail could be crucial'

'Ok, thank you' Alejandro had straightened his posture and put a gentle hand in my shoulder. I managed to catch Ariana's eye briefly making her shoot a sympathetic look my way before she opened the door and left.

She has some fucking nerve.

I hadn't seen Ariana Grande in two years. The last time I was face to face with her I'd punched her square in the face. I don't regret it though, she had been bullying me for 'outing' her which I didn't do. I'd put up with her shit for years and now that we're meeting again she had the audacity to not even apologise.

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