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'This is stupid'

'Cami, guess what' I could practically see the smirk on her face through the phone while I pulled on my jeans.


'Your stuck with me'

I put the device down to zip up my pants before answering 'help me God'

'Shut up, I'll be there in fifteen'

'Ok bye'

I quickly threw on my white flannel and checked myself in the mirror. My black ripped jeans went perfectly with my shirt. I decided to leave a few of the top buttons open, showing some cleavage but it didn't scream 'I'm a slut!'. Quickly I put on my black ankle boots and straightened my hair in the bathroom, giving me a more sophisticated look as I let it flow loosely down my back. I reached into my wardrobe to grab a coat but stopped when I saw Lauren's leather jacket hung up in my wardrobe. I smiled remembering when she'd given it to me that time she picked me up in her car. Deciding it would go great with my outfit I grabbed it and put my arms through, definitely only wearing it because it would go great with my outfit...

As I texted Dinah telling her she didn't have to pick me up for school today I could hear muffled voices coming from downstairs. I stopped in my tracks, trying to decipher who it was. One was definitely my dad and the high pitched laugh was clearly Sofi but I didn't know the other person. As I walked towards the living room I saw Sofi sitting on the floor laughing while showing Ariana her barbie dolls.

I didn't know if I was happy or mad that she could still make my sister laugh like that.

'What about a pink skirt?' Ariana grabbed a small piece of clothing and put it onto Sofi's doll.

'Oh my god that's pretty!' Sofi gushed 'Ari?'

'Ya, kiddo?'

'I like your hair better when it was red'

I had to stifle a laugh, remembering I had said the same thing yesterday

'Ya... I think I do too. Cami said the same thing yesterday' I could hear her chuckle echoing quietly through the room 'maybe I should dye it back again, what do you think?'

'Oh my god Ari I could do it for you!'

Before Sofi could get any ideas I walked around the corner and showed myself. Ariana was sitting on the carpeted floor with Sofi laughing and squirming in her lap. I couldn't help but smile at the adorable scene before me.

'Hey Cami' she gently lifted my younger sister off of her and stood up, wiping off her jeans with her hands. She was wearing tight blue pants, an oversized grey hoodie and her long brown hair in a high ponytail. Why can I never pull casual off like her or Lauren?!

'Hey, why are you here so early?' I asked while walking into the kitchen to grab an apple.

'Just wanted to come in to explain to your dad about the arrangements' she casually explain, leaning her forearms on the marble island.

'What arrangements?' I grabbed a cup and filled it to the brim with coffee. I need a high dose of caffeine to survive a school day. I held up a cup, asking if she wanted one but she shook her head with a small smile.

'Girls, I have to go bring Sofi to school' my dad got up started to put my sisters lunch into her school bag 'Ariana, please take care of my daughter'

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