The Funeral

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'I don't like this Mija'

I huffed quietly for the tenth time in ten minutes. I'd asked my mom if she'd let me go with Lauren to her brothers funeral but she and my dad weren't too keen on the idea.

'What if someone finds out?' My dad asked, pouring sugar into his coffee from the hospital cafe

'They won't. Absolutely no one that lives there suspects anything and I promise that I'll be really careful. I just wanna be there for her...'

I could see the fight that my mother was fighting. On one hand she wanted to let me go to support Lauren in this hard time of her life but on the other logical side she knows how dangerous and messy this could all turn out if we were caught out. It's not like I don't understand her side of it because I do, I wouldn't want my daughter running off with her English teacher to pretend to be her girlfriend in front of her family either... but love makes us do the most stupid things.

Sinu sighed and released a long sigh 'I want Lauren's phone number. I want you to call me every night and when you land-'

'Oh my god thank you!' I jumped up from my seat and hugged her tightly and next my dad.

'Mija you're not listening' my dad said sternly, struggling to hide his smile at my excitement.

'Yes I am' I said absentmindedly already typing to let Lauren know that I'd be there for her.

'What did I say?' My mom asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

'To call you every night... and text you when I land...'

'And do not leave Lauren's sight' Alejandro added.

'Okay I won't. Thank you so much I love you guys!'


'What time's the funeral?' I asked, turning my head to look at Lauren's side profile. She was staring blankly out the window while we drove towards her parents house. Her eyes held a blank expression, not comprehending what was happening around her.

'Laur?' I asked again, touching her hand.

'Sorry?' She turned her head towards me with a dejected look plastered across her face.

'I asked what time's the funeral?'


She turned once again and looked back out the window. I sucked in a slow breath not really knowing what to do in this situation. How do you comfort someone when their brother had just died? So instead I opted to grab her arm and hug it to my chest, just being here for her physically. Eventually we pulled up outside of the Jauregui household, Lauren hopping out of the car followed by me. She trudged slowly up to the menacing black door and knocked hard. Before anyone could answer I interlocked my hand with hers, rubbing her knuckles with my thumb.

'I'm here' I whispered, kissing her shoulder lightly.

'How could I forget?' She asked with a small hint of a smile on her lips. That's the most emotion I've seen from her all day.

I turned around when the door was slowly pulled open and there stood an even more depressed looking Taylor. Considering the circumstances she seemed to of shrunk in on herself, making her look even smaller. Her eyes were puffy and red, her hair tied up in a sloppy bun and she wore baggy sweats and an oversized hoodie.

'Lo...' her voice was weak and hoarse from obvious crying before she lunged herself at Lauren, immediately sobbing into her shoulder.

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