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'This calls for a celebration!' Alejandro spoke with a broad smile dancing on his lips as we left the courthouse. Everyone was ecstatic that we'd won the court case but with the look that Ariana was giving me, I knew that we had to talk. As we all walked towards our car Sinu turned to Ariana before she got in.

'Ariana, you'll come to get breakfast with us right?'

'Oh no Mrs. Cabello. I think this is more of a family thing' She smiled politely but as usual my mother was having none of it.

'Ariana I insist! After all, you were the one in charge of the case'

With a preoccupied mind I shuffled inside the car and sat down on the cool leather seat, resting my head on the cool glass. I couldn't shake the sick smirk that Adam sent my way before he was dragged away or Brad's twisted smile as he blatantly confessed to being the person who made Adam do it.

Before the car started up I felt someone sit next to me. I turned my head and studied Ariana's side profile. With a small sigh I rested my head on the back of the seat, suddenly feeling tired and drained so I closed my eyes.

'We're not done talking' Ariana whispered in my ear, her warm breath eliciting goosebumps on my skin.


When I fluttered my eyes open a few things came to mind. Number one, i was lying down with my head resting on someone's lap. Number two, said person was calmly running their fingers through my long hair. Number three, the person was Ariana, my ex. And number four, I couldn't find the strength to leave her warm embrace.

I peeked my eyes open and saw that my head was nestled into her stomach so I was staring at a shiny button on her shirt. Not giving a shit anymore I slowly closed my eyes and fell back into slumber.

I woke up a few minutes later when Ariana shook my shoulder gently. With a small whine I sat up into a sitting position and smiled shyly at her. I turned to leave when she suddenly grabbed my chin and turned my face towards hers. I looked panicked into her warm brown eyes that were searching my own. I froze when she slowly moved her face towards mine, her eyes glued to my lips. When we were close enough that our noses could touch she brought her hand up and wiped the corner of my mouth. Snapping out of my trance, I looked at her with confusion etched into my face.

'You still drool' she smirked 'baby'

'Oh I had drool on my face? Oh... ok' I smiled awkwardly before stumbling out of the car, trying to control my erratic heartbeat. We were stopped at a small diner to get a much deserved breakfast, none of us had an appetite this morning before the trial. There was a small park across the way with a few children and their parents scattered all around.

I turned around to catch up to everyone else when I saw the backs of my parents heads as the entered the diner without me. I moved to catch up when I noticed Ariana next to me.

'I told them to order for us. We need to talk Cami'

'Now?' I asked with a pout

'Your pouts don't work on me anymore' she laughed 'and yes now' I released a shaky breath when she lightly grabbed my hand and sat us both down on a worn wooden bench. I stared out at the kids playing while she stared expectingly at my side profile.

'What do you want to know?' I asked quietly.


So I did. I told her everything. From Lauren and I's relationship. I told her about Brad and how he'd blackmailed me. I told her how Austin had practically raped me. I told her that Lauren had brought me to meet her parents and about her brothers funeral. I told her about the person who was taking photos of me and Lauren together and delivering them to her. I told her... everything.

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