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"Camila Cabello!"

I looked around and saw Dinah leaning against the locker next to mine. Oh here we go...

"Hey Cheeche"

"Don't you hey Cheeche me! What happened last night? You just hung up on us and never called back! Do you know how worried we were?"

I locked my locker and slowly started walking towards my English class. I knew Mrs Jauregui was going to be there and I couldn't help the nerves that crept up my spine "well... we had dinner, it wasn't anything amazing. I really don't think I feel anything for him D. He's just not my type" I decided to leave out the fact that I saw Mrs Jauregui, I don't know why "then we walked around the city for a bit, we got some ice cream. Then he dropped me home, kissed me goodnight-"

"Hold the fuck up!" Dinah yelled, grabbing both my shoulders in her iron grip "you let that Dorito ass kiss you?!"

"Dinah keep your voice down!" I whispered, my cheeks turning crimson when I noticed students stopping and looking. I love Dinah, I really do but sometimes she can be a bit over the top.

"Keep my voice down?! Camila how could you let that boy kiss you?! You know what he's like!"

"He kissed me Dinah. I didn't have time to react. What did you want me to do?"

"Well I don't know! Kick him in the balls... if he has any"

I opened my mouth to argue back but the warning bell echoed off the walls "oh there's the bell! See ya at lunch D!"

I quickly ran to my English class, releasing a shakey breath. This is definitely not a class I want to be late for. The butterflies in my stomach practically poured out of my mouth when I saw Mrs Jauregui standing near the classroom door, greeting her students. Today she wore tight black pants, a crisp white shirt that showed off a sliver of cleavage topped off with a black sophisticated blazer. Her hair was loose and slightly messy, framing her face perfectly.

The closer I got, the more effort I had to put into walking like a sane person and not tripping over my own feet.

I looked on as she simply nodded at the people that trickled through the door, only sparing them a glance. By the time I had reached her, I was the last person.

Of course.

As I moved to quickly walk past her I felt a slight pull on my arm, making me turn around hastily.

"Your shoelace is open, Miss Cabello"

I confess hearing my name coming from her mouth was playing havock with my thoughts. None of them very appropriate. I looked down and saw the my shoelace had infact come undone.

"Oh, thank you Miss" I smiled weakly at the teacher who had a piercing look in her green eyes.

"Tie it before you trip"

I nodded my head and moved to step past her before I felt her gently but firmly grab my shoulder, stopping me from entering the class.


I looked up and saw no room for defiance in her gaze. I put my bag on the floor before I bent down to tie my shoe.

"How was the rest of your night?"

I didn't realise she was speaking to me until I looked up and saw her staring down at me with her arms folded across her chest.

"Oh, it was good Miss. Nothing extravagant" I finished the knot and slung my bag across my back before standing up "um, how was yours?" I wasn't sure if I was allowed to ask or if it was any of my business for that matter.

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