I'm No Michelangelo

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'You're really rubbish at this'

'I am not, your just shit at catching'

I threw another cheerio at Dinah's open mouth and watched with amusement as it hit off her nose, again.

'Girls please behave' Ally let out a frustrated sigh while rushing around the room like a vacuum, trying to clean up our mess.

'Oh come on Ally, live a little. We're meant to be enjoying ourselves' Normani stood up with a goofy grin and tackled our small friend to the bed. Ally was now trying and failing to tickle Normani to death.

'Hey!' Dinah shouted playfully 'get your paws off my Mrs'

'Speaking of' I smirked' where is Shay... Allysin'

'She's visiting her family' Ally mumbled, blushing madly.

'I never would of guessed you were a lesbian Allycat' Our Polynesian jumped up and sat rather violently onto my lap.

'I'm not a lesbian, I'm pansexual' she corrected with a pointed look.

'Oh well excuse me' Dinah laughed. We continued with a friendly banter for a while longer. Dinah annoying Ally with her, and I quote, "sinful talk". Me and Mani trying to beat our chubby bunny record that I am still proudly holding when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

'It's open' I yelled.

Alejandro walked inside with a obvious forced smile on his face 'um Mija can I talk to you?'

'Yeah, sure' I nodded my head, twirling a strand of Dinah's hair around my finger.

'In private Mija' he shuffled from one foot to the other awkwardly.

'What's wrong?' I asked with dread filling my body.

'It's about your mothers court case'

My body tensed slightly and I watched all eyes in the room turn to mine 'what about it?'

'It's tomorrow'

One more day. In one more day we would finally hear the truth to what happened to my mother and why that bastard tried to kill her.

'What time?' I heard myself ask, not realising I was speaking.


I nodded my head slowly, trying to let it all sink in 'okay, thanks Papi'

I looked back down to the floor with my face scrunched in concentration as I heard him leave the room. We all sat in an awkward silence before Ally thankfully broke it 'mila, you okay?'

'No' I stood up quickly and paced around the room 'I need to punch something'

'I volunteer Dorito boy' Dinah laughed earning a high five from Normani. I rolled my eyes while stripping off my clothes and throwing on my loose tank top and shorts.

'Where are you going?' Ally asked

I spun back around with a hint of anger in my eyes 'to punch something'

I took off running down our street with one place in mind. The gym. I mean it is really tempting to just run to Austin's house and break his nose but I don't want to waste my time on him. The streets of Miami were particularly crowded today, I hate running while having to dodge stupid children and their parents. Like why can't you control your offspring? Before I could actually do something violent to one of the walking germ bags I had reached the gym.

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