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'I can promise you one thing'

'What?' I croaked from my dry throat.

'You're not coming out from my bed for the rest of the day'

That was true, we didn't leave Lauren's bedroom until we both collapsed from exhaustion. Let me just tell you one thing, she is a machine in bed and defiantly not a bottom... yet.

We left to go home the next morning, that left me here in higher maths with Ally while Dinah and Normani were in lower.

'What have you next, Mila?' Ally asked, packing up her books.

'English, what about you?' I slung my bag across my shoulder while I waited for her to finish.

'Umm... SPHE. I hate it though, we're talking about sex' I couldn't help but laugh as she whispered the last word like it was a sin.

'Oh come on Ally, sex is good for you'

'Shhh!! Mila we're in school' The shorter girls face suddenly burned deep red.

'Oh sorry Allysus, I beg for your forgiveness' I clutched onto her arm dramatically, earning a cute giggle from the blonde 'anyway, I've gotta get my English book so I'll see you at lunch'

'Okay, don't be late for class' she warned before standing on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek. I watched with a goofy smile as she practically skipped down the hall. How is Ally so damn sweet and still single?!

Eventually I made my way to my locker and rummaged around to fine my English book. You can imagine how pissed I was when I discovered it was in my bag all along. When I shut the metal door, I looked around and saw that the corridor was quiet and empty. Great, late for class. What I really hate about school is if a student is late for class they get extra homework and their ear chewed off but if a teacher is late they just carry on like nothing happened. Why?!

When I reached Lauren's door everyone was in groups of threes for some reason, chatting and writing while said teacher was sitting behind her desk scribbling on papers. I mentally prepared myself before I opened the door and stepped inside. This was technically the first time we'd seen each other since we had sex... for a good few hours.

'Miss Cabello' her voice was hard and rough, bringing back a lot of memories 'you decided to grace us with your presence?'

'Sorry Miss, I had to get my book from my locker but then I realised that it was in my bag the whole time' I took a deep breath in having rushed my whole sentence.

'Oh, really?' She drawled, slouching back in her leather chair.


'Step outside' the whole class erupted in 'ohhh's' before Lauren turned on her heel to face them 'I will gladly give you all detention or sign you up for after school activities?' I had to hide my smile in the collar of my leather coat, well Lauren's coat 'no volunteers? What a shame, now get back to work'

Once she started taking steps towards me I hastily opened the door and waited with baited breath. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I was engulfed in a warm embrace.

'Um, Lauren?'

'Yeah' she said against the top of my head.

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