The ex Husband

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Ugh, mornings

You either hate them or love them. Me, I hate them with a passion. I mean, who likes getting up at 7:00? No normal human being anyway.

But, I don't mind waking up today. Silk sheets draped loosely over my body, pleasant chirping of birds from outside the window and rays of sunlight creating an orange glow in the small bedroom.

My head was still resting on Lauren's chest, my arm resting on her toned stomach from where her t-shirt had ridden up and our legs tangled together. Before I'd even opened my eyes I felt Lauren absentmindedly drawing patterns on the back of my hand with her finger tips. Enjoying the moment a bit too much I decided to pretend to be deep in slumber for a few more minutes.

Eventually I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the light. Through my sleepy state I saw Lauren looking down at me, a cute smile dancing on her lips.

'Morning' she whispered, her husky morning voice scurrying a shiver down my spine.

'Morning' I mumbled, without a second thought I snuggled closer against Lauren's neck. I could feel the older girl tense before relaxing into my touch.

'What's on the agenda for today Mrs. Jauregui' I joked

'I uh... I was gonna visit my brother' she mumbled

My playful mood quickly vanished. I looked up and saw her somber face 'when do we leave?' I asked

'You don't have to come Camz' she smiled weakly, gently moving a piece of hair from my face behind my ear.

'But that's why I came up here. I wanna be here for you, Lo'

'Why are you so great?' She joked, tracing my jawline.

'Um, hello? My names Camila Cabello and I am the queen of Greatness' I dramatically placed a hand over my heart, puffing out my chest.

'Idiot' Lauren laughed before taking us both by surprise and placing a chaste kiss on my lips. When we parted her eyes widened.

'I'm sorry, I don't know why-'

I silenced her by grabbing her neck and smashing our lips together, taking a sharp breath through my nose at the sudden loss of air. The kiss quickly became heated, tongues and lips dancing in sync. I slowly crawled on top of Lauren, one leg on each side of her hip. I slowly descended my lips along her jawline, placing open mouth kisses in my wake. I gently sucked under her earlobe, hearing her panting against my own ear driving me crazy. She brought her hands under my top, tracing her fingers along my smooth stomach. I gently but roughly sunk my teeth into Lauren's neck, earning a loud moan from the older girl.

'Shit, Camz'

I soothed the area with my tongue, admiring the red mark below her ear.

'Paybacks a bitch' I smirked, tracing along her bottom lip with the tip of my tongue; never breaking eye contact. Her green orbs were practically black with lust and seduction.

I smiled innocently and hopped off the now very flustered girl.

'May god have mercy on you when I get my way with you Camila' she promised.


When I finished my shower I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white plaid flannel that I tied a little over my stomach. I decided to walk downstairs to get breakfast when I saw that Lauren wasn't in the bedroom anymore. Descending the stairs I came across Clara

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