06| Her Story

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Cisco, Caitlin and I took Lisa to S.T.A.R Labs where The Flash was already waiting in the Cortex. "My brother's been kidnapped." Lisa attempted to explain to us, but none of us clearly believed her.

"All right, so you really want us to just believe that Captain Cold was kidnapped?" Barry asked her skeptically.

"I saw it happen. Last night, Lenny, me, and Mick were knocking over the cashier's cage at Central City Racetrack."

"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?" Caitlin asked in disbelief.

"I never finished the job. After Mick torched through the side entrance, I looked back for Lenny and saw him getting thrown into the back of a van."

"And why didn't you and Mick follow?" I asked her, most of her story not making any sense.

"I would have." She continued to explain. "Someone hit me from behind and knocked me out. When I came to, Lenny was gone, and Mick already made off with the cash."

"How do we know this isn't some kind of a trap?" Caitlin asked her as Cisco remained unusually quiet.

"If Lenny wanted Flash dead, he would have let Mardon, Simmons, and Bivolo take that honor, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." Barry replied in annoyance.

Lisa smiled with satisfaction as she looked over at Barry. "Good. Then you'll also recall that you owe Lenny a favor for saving your life. Time to make good on that debt, Flash."

"I do not like her." Caitlin mumbled under her breath.

"You're not the only one." I assured her.

"Yeah, but she makes a point." Cisco said earning a very annoyed look from Caitlin and I. "What? We should at least hear her out."

"Right? Even if I wanted to help, how are we supposed to find him?" Barry asked.

"Not a problem." Cisco announced as he walked over to a computer. "See, when I rebuilt the cold gun, I didn't have time to place a tracker on it, so I devised a method of locating it by borrowing some military technology. See, the gun works the same as thermal imaging, only instead of infrared heat signatures, it's looking for ultraviolet cold signatures. Whoa, look at that." He exclaimed as he pulled up a map of the city that showed us he found a match. "The gun's UV thermal reading was last picked up at 5th and Hoyt eight minutes ago."

"All right. Let's see if you're a liar." Barry told her before rushing out of the room. We stood around the room until an alarm went off. Caitlin and I rushed over to the computers to see that the alarm was telling us the there was something wrong with Barry's vitals.

"Barry, what's going on?" I asked him since he hadn't spoken to us yet.

"Diane! Snart hit me with his cold gun." Barry exclaimed with a shaky breath.

Caitlin looked up from the screen and then up as Cisco. "His vitals are bottoming out!"

Cisco rushed beside taking his seat. "I'm bringing the heat right now." He assured as he pressed the space bar not he computer.

"What? The suit. What's happening?"

"Therma-threading, baby. It's a little something I added for situations exactly like this one." Cisco informed proudly. "Please, please tell me it's working."

"Yeah, it works, but Snart's gone, and Lisa has a lot of explaining to do." Barry replied before being back at the lab in a couple of seconds. Lisa stood up in anticipation wanting to know what was wrong with her brother. "So your brother was not kidnapped. He was pulling a job with your father."

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