48| Rising Problems

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I woke up to the sound snoring behind me and as I looked at the clock at the bedside table I knew there was definitely something wrong with the scene. Shifting on the other side of the bed I opened my eyes to find Barry deep in sleep. Although this was usually the time Barry woke up he didn't have the luxury of waiting till the last second to leave for  work.

"Barry wake up." I muttered still in the process of waking up myself. Barry only groaned "No Barry. You have to wake up or you're already late for work."

"Not again." Barry groaned as he rolled off the bed and rushing into the bathroom. Forcing myself to do the same I sat up from the bed pushing the covers off of me knowing I had to help Barry get ready. The last thing we needed at the moment was Barry getting fired from work for his bad habit of being late.

Sliding the closet doors open I began to pull out some of Barry's clothes, so that they could be ready for him when he came out of the bathroom. This whole morning routine was something that was very new to me, and something that I would have never imagined doing. But Barry was still struggling to get by not using his powers to do regular things, so he definitely needed the help.

A few seconds later Barry rushed out of the bathroom nearing tripping over the carpet on his way back into the room. He sighed in relief as began to pull on the clothing that I left for him. "Thanks." He muttered but there was a look of frustration on his face.

"Here." I said as I tossed him my car keys once he was fully dressed. Barry looked down at them for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, how will your get to S.T.A.R Lab..."

"Don't worry about me I'll just ask Cisco for a ride." I assured him, not wanting to stay on this subject any longer. "Anyways, I really don't want to keep hearing you complain about how horrible the bus is when we get home later."

Barry simply nodded as he picked up his sweater that was thrown on one of the chairs before leaving the room in a hurry. Hearing the front door close I sighed as I let myself fall over on there bed. Only a few moments later I heard it open again causing me look around for anything Barry could have possible forgotten.

"Sorry I forgot." Barry muttered as he walked over placing a soft kiss on my lips. And just like him I had forgotten we had started a routine where even though we were always together we weren't at the same time. Everyone was feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders and it was starting to effect us in ways that we didn't even realize. "I love you."

"Things will get better." I told him for once feeling the roles being reversed. This time I was the one being hopeful while Barry seemed to have lost it. I was still trying to get over losing Laurel, but that feeling was starting to numb down. Like it always does, what Barry felt however was something completely different. Because in his eyes he lost what he thinks makes him a hero. "They have too."

"I hope your right. I'll see you later at S.T.A.R Labs. Okay?"


Later that afternoon we all found ourselves in the middle of the Cortex discussing what our next plan of action against Zoom was going to be. We had many problem piling up, but we had to focus on getting Caitlin back. We just couldn't lose anyone else.

"I really wish we didn't have to keep Jay's helmet around." Cisco commented as he looked down at the helmet in his hands in disgust. "I hate this thing. Just want to put a dent in it." It took a moment but we knew that Cisco was able to successfully vibe when a distant look came over his face. "Zoom's got her in his lair. She's scared, but she's okay."

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