32| Fast and the Furious

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"All right, so Tar Pit Tar Pit, that's what we're calling him?" Barry asked once he had left the criminal our new meta was after at the CCPD.

"That's right." Cisco confirmed as he continued to work on running the images through facial recognition.

"Tar Pit was after one Clay Stanley. Stanley, as it turns out, is a suspected hit man that the CCPD has been trying to track for a while, but they haven't been able to make anything stick." Barry explained causing Cisco to chuckle from where he was currently seated. "No pun intended."

"Do we know why he was attacked?" I questioned as I walked over to Barry.

"Uh, Stanley wouldn't answer any of my questions. He was pretty scared." Barry replied.

"When a hit man is scared, you know something's wrong." Cisco added.

"Hey, did you get an ID on our meta-human?"

"Yeah, I'm running it through five different facial recognition systems right now, so it should take a minute." Cisco stated before "And there it is. Who's the best hacker in the world, people?

"Felicity Smoak." The three of us answered in unison, causing Cisco to look up at us in complete shock.

"What is wrong with you three? That's not friendship." Cisco stated defensively before we all got back to the matter at hand.

"Our meta-human's name is Joseph Monteleone." I said as I read his criminal record.

"Oh, he looks friendly." Cisco commented sarcastically.

"Monteleone was reported missing. Surprise, surprise, the night of the particle accelerator explosion." Barry continued with a slightly annoyed tone.

"And what's the connection between Monteleone and the two victims?" Caitlin asked, knowing that there had to be some kind of a connection for this guy being to hell bent on killing these men.

"I'll call Joe. Have him run background checks on all three guys."


"Hey. I ran background checks on everyone involved in this Tar Pit mess, came up empty. I mean, they all have records, but they're sealed, so I can't read them." Joe stated as he entered the Cortex.

"Well, that's cause you're bound by ethics, Detective West." Cisco stated as he began typing away on his computer.

"How many felonies are we committing breaking into sealed court records?"

"Eh, three or four." Cisco said as he hacked in the CCPD's system. "Nope, five. Well, they were sealed because the records are all juvenile offense."

Joe stood over Cisco as he read the files off the computer. "Who do we have shacked up with vic two?"

"Bronwen Clark." Cisco answered. "Good luck finding him. He has a ton of addresses and I can't seem to find anything current. I'll run his picture through facial recognition."

"That won't be necessary." Iris stated as she walked into the Cortex. "In this case, I am facial recognition. I know exactly where we can find that guy, and, Dad, you are not gonna like how."

"Okay, you can tell me about it on the way." Joe told her as he grabbed his coat, before Iris turned towards me.

"Diane, I think you should come along too." Iris added, and I simply nodded as I stood up from my seat. I didn't know exactly what I was needed for but the fact that it would allow me to get out of the lab for a bit was enough for me to agree.

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