52| One With the Force*

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Barry and I walked into our apartment something that had already become a routine. I would kick off my heels and throw my bag on the counter, while Barry would head directly for our room  to get ready for bed. However, in the whole ride here I could see something was different. Barry seemed a lot more happy, like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Why didn't Henry want to stay with us?" I asked Barry as I put my bag on the counter. "We have a spare room."

"He wanted to stay with Joe. Didn't want to burden us apparently." Barry replied and then suddenly his face become very serious. "But now that were on the subject of my dad. He told he that you weren't feeling very well earlier."

I had to do my best not to seem slightly annoyed. I couldn't believe that my feeling slightly dizzy could cause so much concern. "Look I was feeling overwhelmed." I began to explain. "Zoom still has Caitlin, I thought you were dead, and then I saw my sister along with Wally and Jesse lying motionless on the floor. Of course I didn't feel well. I don't understand all the worry"

I began to walk into the hall wanting to escape this conversation, but suddenly Barry was in front me stopping me in my tracks. "Of course I worry."

I wasn't really given a chance to say anything else because suddenly Barry's lips were on mine, and I was back was being pushed against the wall. There was a playfulness to him that I wasn't expecting, but I found myself loving. It was something that I missed. 

"What happened to you in there?" I found myself asking, because he really seemed to be a lot more like the Barry that I met in Star City. What now felt like years ago. "In the Speedforce?"

"I just realized a lot of things. But I don't want to talk about that now." He said quickly before he kissed me again, and all my curiosity was forgotten as the kiss deepened. I slipped of his coat letting it fall to the floor. I couldn't believe that only a few hours ago I had thought that I lost Barry forever, and I couldn't imagine ever living without moments like this.

We continued to kiss until we got to the point where we needed to part to catch our breath, Barry took out momentary time a part as a chance to pull my blouse over my head. And with that hands hands and lips were everywhere. "Let's go to bed." I told him as I softly kissed his neck.

"Let's just stay here." Barry replied his lip brushing my neck.


"Diane, if it was up to me I would make love to you in every inch of this apartment." I could only look him in the eyes, his words burning a deep desire in me. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him into a deep kiss no longer wanting to waste anymore time.

This time I don't want to pull away, not even to get air because I wanted to drown myself in him. Wanting to close as mush space as possible, Barry helped push me up as I wrapped my legs around his wait. An we continued to be fully emerged in each other. But suddenly as we were about to get to the point where the point where there was no coming back from, Barry put his hand against the wall behind me, I had to open my eyes from the sound of glass shattering. I looked down to find the frame hanging on the wall, with a picture of all of us at Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding broken on the floor.

"Try not to break everything in the apartment. Will you?" I joked, but Barry didn't seem to be listening as he put lips on mine again. And in the time that followed all our problem seemed to not exist. 

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