55| Fallen

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Before I had time to fully process what had happened, Barry had already left my side and had gone after Zoom and his father. Almost everyone had fled to the body that Zoom had left us, but that was honestly the farthest thing from my mind.

All I could think about was Henry, and hoping that Barry would get to him on time. Even during a time of celebration, Hunter Zolomon has made sure that we wouldn't forget he was a threat. And at this point we were foolish for letting our guard down.

"She's dead." Caitlin muttered, and those words seemed to snap me back to reality. Now I was the only one standing by the table while everyone else was surrounding the body on the floor. I stepped forward and the sight of dark brown hair had my heart feeling as if it had sunk to the pit of my stomach. My first thought was that it was my sister, regardless of her deception I would not be able to handle her death, but taking a closer look at the body I realized that it was not the case. " Tigress is dead."

I didn't know how to feel or if I should feel anything at all. All I knew was that although she wasn't me and had lived a very different life from mine, there was something odd about seeing a version of yourself dead. And a part of me hated Zoom even more, because taking away everything my doppelgänger loved wasn't enough. He also had to take her life, and regardless of what she had done or was forced to do she didn't deserve this.

"Diane..." Joe began to say, but seemed unsure of how to continue.

"I'm alright Joe." I assured him, although it was a clear. I probably looked as horrible as I felt.

It was past midnight and none of us had heard a single word from Barry, as he hadn't answered any of our calls or messages. This fact alone was enough to tell us that something had gone terribly wrong. And no matter how hard Cisco tried he couldn't seem to locate Barry, at this point the worry was eating me alive.

At some point during the night everybody decided to go home, realizing that there was nothing that we could do. I attempted to avoid thinking the worst, but it was much harder considering that all signs pointed to Zoom having done something horrible to Barry and Henry. The worst feeling was that of helplessness, and knowing that there was nothing we could do.

Caitlin decided on driving me to my apartment, insisting that I was in no state to drive. And maybe she was right since my hands hadn't stopped shaking and I was still fighting back tears.

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself? Maybe you could spend the night at my place?" She questioned, the worry clear but I immediately shook my head.

"I'll be fine. Good night." I told her quickly before stepping out of the car. I knew Caitlin's constant worrying about me was coming from good place and she just wanted to be there for me, but I honestly felt like I needed to be away from her only because she was a constant reminder of what I was going through at the moment. And a possible pregnancy was the last thing I wanted on my mind right now.

Without looking back I headed into the apartment building and into the elevator as it ascend towards my floor. As I walked down the hallway I couldn't avoid but stop at the apartment that was once Roy's and recently my sister's. Two people that I wish I had with me now.

I quickly brushed away some tears at the thought of Roy. After all of this is over I had to find him, his absence becoming unbearable these last couple of days.

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