17| Motivations*

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"You've been extremely quiet." Barry stated as we moved up in line. "You usually complain a lot in the mornings."

"I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday." I told him. "Right now a cup of coffee is the only thing that will make me happy."

"You can't stop thinking about yesterday?" Barry questioned in disbelief. "I can't stop thinking about the fact that I got my ass kicked without there being any actual kicking." I laughed lightly at his comment as Barry suddenly gave me a slight shove. "See I made you smile, I don't think you've genuinely smiled in weeks."

"Well the past couple of weeks have been rough." I told him as if he needed another reminder. "Especially for you."

"True." Barry stated as he put his hands in his pockets. "But I wouldn't have been able to get through it if it wasn't for you."

"Well it, wasn't just me."

"Actually, I know this really isn't the best time, but do you remember that talk that we really didn't have because Caitlin interrupted us?" Barry asked as he stepped in from of me.

"Yeah, I remember."

"I was wondering if we could have it now?" He said and the eager look on his face had me nodding and waiting for him to continue. Barry reached out for my hand as he laced our fingers together letting out a shaky breath. "Okay, because I'm tired of keep all of this in and I just have to tell you how much I..."

"Barry!" A voice called out causing Barry and I to look for the source. That's when my eyes landed on Patty who was walking towards us coffee in hand. I slipped my hand out of Barry's not really sure of what was going on between him and Patty.

"Hey Patty." Barry greeted as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Patty's smile widened as she turned to me.

"Hey Diane. I haven't seen you in a while. Don't go out much?"

"Yeah, I've been really busy." I replied as I smiled back at her.

"I totally understand I haven't gone out much either." She stated as she looked over at Barry, and if things weren't awkward before they definitely were now. "Anyways I have my coffee and a pile of police reports that are waiting for me at the station. See you at work Barry. Bye Diane!"

Patty walked away right when it was out turn to order. Barry ordered both of our coffees and once they were handed to us we made our way out of Jitters. "So..." I began since Barry had become extremely quiet since we bumped into Patty. "Do you still want to have that talk?"

"Now I feel slightly discouraged." Barry stated as he opened the door and the second I stepped outside I noticed the cloud of smoke coming from one of the buildings. "But I have to tell you because I'm tired of this situation..."

"Barry." I said softly as I patted his shoulder and pointed up a the smoke. "That's her."

"Tigress? How do you know?" He asked not taking his eyes off of the smoke.

"Its a location signal." I informed him, and he nodded as he began taking a couple steps forward but I immediately grabbed his wrist. "What are you doing."

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