34| Tigress*

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Cisco snapped his fingers in front of my face "Screw driver." He told me and I reached over into his bag for the screw driver handing it to him. "What were you thinking about?"

"Don't you think maybe I should have gone with Barry?" I asked, not only because I was worried but a part of me really wanted to know more about my Earth 2 counterpart.

"No." Harry replied bluntly as he walked over to us. "Crock do I have to remind you that you look exactly like Tigress. Who has been working with Zoom to terrorize my Earth?"

"No you don't." I assured him, now irritated by his attitude. "What else do you know about her? What was he life before she started working for Zoom?"

"That isn't important. She's not you. Her mistakes, her decisions are not yours." Harrison countered, and I knew it was true. Jay warned us about getting sucked into this Earth, and that was exactly what I was doing and I had to let it go.

"Your right." I admitted as I went back to helps Cisco try to fix the frequency on his goggles.

A couple of hours went buy, and I was already dark out, yet there was still no sign of Barry. Harrison seemed to be getting more anxious by the second as he continued to pace around the room in desperation. "Where is he? Where is he?"

"I don't know. I can't find him anywhere." Cisco replied as he continued playing around with his goggles which still haven't seemed to be working with the frequency from this Earth.

"Yeah, well, he better show up soon because he's been gone for hours and we only have so many of those left before Zoom needs the speed." Harry told us as he finally stopped pacing, and I had to admit he was right. We were running out of time and sooner or later Zoom will figure out that we're here.

Cisco chuckled to himself as he looked up at Harrison. "Oh, you're talking about Barry. Don't worry about him. He'll be fine."

"Who did you think he was talking about?" I asked in a slightly bored tone. For the past couple of hours we have been sitting around waiting for Barry to show up and I was getting worried.

"I thought he was talking about me."

"You?" Harrison repeated in disbelief.

"Yeah, cause we found Barry's double, we've met Diane's double, so where the hell am I? You know, I always thought in another life I was, like, I don't know, like a really wealthy, famous inventor, you know, sort of like the Earth-2 Elon Musk." Cisco began to ramble on. "Only with less RBF, obviously."

"Here's some advice for you. How about spending more time looking for Zoom and less time worrying about what someone who is not you is doing with their life?" Harrison snapped as he began pacing around the room again.

A couple minutes later Barry rushed into the room a panicked look in his eyes. He then went on to explain what happened while he was out with Joe and Iris. But that was all that he told us although that didn't explain what he had been doing for the whole day that he was out.

"Killer Frost and Deathstorm. You know them?" Barry asked Harry who now seemed more on edge than he was before.

"More importantly, they know you now; they know that you're here." Harrison stated as he began to pace back and forth realizing that our original plan had become a lot more complicated.

"So Caitlin and Ronnie's doppelgangers are evil too?" Cisco muttered in disbelief. "Those are some dope names, though."

"This was supposed to be a surgical mission, Allen. Find Zoom's lair. Rescue Jesse. Get in, get out, not get involved." Harry scolded as his frustration began to take over, and knowing there wasn't anything I could say to calm either of them down I remained quite.

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