54| Where Loyalties Lie

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After Cisco and Harry explained how they were able to get Barry's plan in motion after a little help from Hartley, there seemed to be a wave of relief washing over the team. After all these months of being terrorized by Zoom, it seemed like would would finally be able to end it all. 

"Harry and Jesse are from Earth-2." Joe stated, seeing as Cisco and Harry's plan would affect any of the Earth-2 metas on our Earth. "How do we keep the pulse from hurting them?" 

"Oh, Detective, I didn't know you cared." Harrison replied sarcastically.

"Yes you did."

"Uh, we designed these headphones to protect us from the pulse." Cisco answered as he showed os two pairs of headphones. "Beats by Wells."

Suddenly all of our phones ran in unison, and I immediately pulled my phone out knowing what that rising meant. "Cisco, it's your meta-human alert app." I said as I opened the app to check where the alert had gone off. "There's a meta-human attack at the high-rise development on the west side." 

"Hundreds of people live there." Iris added, only making the situation all the more urgent. The problem was that regardless of Barry's powers he couldn't be in two places at once. 

"Ramon, we're up. Let's go." Harrison ordered. "Set that pulse off right now. Allen, you need to start generating that refracting field right now."

"But Black Siren can take down this building at any point." Barry argued. "What about all those people, Wells. How many more people are gonna die while we wait?" 

"Guys, which is it?" Joe asked as well all stood, frozen and completely unsure of what are next move was going to be.

"I think I just got the worst idea of all time." Cisco muttered as he looked around the room until he met my eyes. " Diane. Caitlin. Follow me."

Caitlin and I shared a brief look before following Cisco out of the room without a word. 

"I'm so glad that I've been working on them." Cisco exclaimed although it sounded like he was talking to himself, not Caitlin and I. "I hadn't been able to get those suits out of my head since we went to Earth-2"

I had no idea what Cisco was talking about, but I knew that we would kind out soon enough. Walking in to Cisco's workshop I realized how much of a disaster it currently was. 

"Wait. Cisco have you been working on the suit?" I asked as I looked around at all the scraps go green and black cloth scattered over the table. "Is it almost done?"

"Just working on the finishing touches. Had to add some fun toys in additions to your design." Cisco explained as he pulled back a sheet revealing a forest green suit. I walked over and touched the soft fabric, feeling ridiculous for ever doubting Cisco. It was exactly what the both of us had designed. "I just don't understand why Central City would need another Artemis?"

"Well, I suppose that shouldn't be a problem if I'm not Artemis anymore." I muttered as continued to admire the suit, a suit that I wish I would have been able to wear myself. 

"Wait! What?" Cisco exclaimed causing both Caitlin and I to slightly jump. "Where is this coming from? You don't want to be Artemis anymore?"

I looked at Caitlin, and I was sure she knew exactly where I was going with this. I wasn't ready to tell Cisco, or anybody else because I wasn't sure. And I had to be sure. "It's something that I've been thinking about this for a while now. I've been doing this for so long, since I could learn how to walk. It's time to put the mask away, but that doesn't mean that Artemis has to go."

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