24| Unforgotten Prophecies

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"I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."

"I was sure hoping so." I muttered in disbelief as I took a step back.

"Don't be like that I'm your mother."

"You've never been a mother to me."

"Oh, Artemis you always have been a rebellious one." She told me as she walked besides Cheshire, who still looked at me with the same hatred as before. "But it's time for you to stop this nonsense, and realize that you are meant for so much more than being a vigilante."

Pushing my anger and fear aside I took a confident step forward as I looked her in the eyes. "And according to you what am I meant for?"

"You killed Ra's al Ghul, yet you gave up the ring to give it to that foolish Malcom Merlyn." She continued. "You could have been Ra's the head of the League of Assassins."

"Why would I want to lead the organization that I have been running away from for most of my life?"

"Power." She said simply, and that just proved to me that she hadn't changed since that day that I left her. "You don't belong here, in Central City, working for some speedster. They don't deserve you here, you were meant for so much more that being behind a computer."

"What are you trying to say?"

"It's time for you to come home. To your mother and your sister." She continued as she looked over at the Cheshire, and hearing my own mother confirm that in fact she was my sister made it seem real. "Your friends or 'team' they don't appreciate you. After everything you've been through, they don't know who you really are."

"How could you possibly know everything I've been through?" I asked trying to control all the anger that was building up inside of me.

"I'm your mother of course I would want to know everything you've been through since you left. Believe it or not you are my daughter and I care about you."

"If you really cared you would have never come back."

"Look, its time for you understand that you're no ones sidekick. Not with your skills, you have so much potential to be something greater and I can help you with that."

"I don't want anything from you." I told her through gritted teeth.

"Artemis, you aren't a hero, not with all that darkness that you have built up. We both know that once you let the darkness in, there's no getting it out. You might be trying to push it back now, but one day, under the right circumstances it will take over."

"Diane don't listen to her." I heard Barry say through my ear piece. "You know that isn't true."

"Are your friends telling you that it not true? That it isn't you?" Paula asked me mockingly and I reached up as I turned the communication device in my ear off. I didn't want them hearing anything that was between my mother and I. "Good girl."

"You want be to join whatever it is your planning." I concluded, knowing that she wasn't her to make amends or to suddenly want to try to be the mother that she never was. "And you only came to me now because you heard about me defeating Ra's. I'm just an asset that you want on your side."

"Together, you, me and your sister can over throw the League of Assassins and take over. You kill Merlyn and take what is rightfully yours by birthright." She explained to me taking a couple steps forward.

"Mom, I told you that we don't need her. That we can do it on our own. Just you and me." Cheshire said hopefully as she stepped up.

"Not this again Jade! We both know that you can't hold you own against a member of the League."

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