58| Bloodshed

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I heard gunshots as I approached the door. Without a second thought I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and steadied it on my bow as I ran down the steps leading into he Hideout. Before I made it all the way down I had a clear shot of a man that Oliver was currently fighting and took the shot hitting the man in the back. 

Oliver looked up to meet my eyes for a single moment before he returned his attention back to taking down the rest of Darhk's men. Everyone including Felicity was doing there best to take down all of these men who had invaded our Hideout. 

Running all the way down the stair case I joined Thea in fighting of four men all this guns. As one man raised his gun towards me, I grabbed onto the side out of it twitting it out of his hand and kicking me back. Shooting an arrow into his chest in the process. 

I looked at Thea for a split second, seeing her in Roy's suit distracted me for a split second and as I turned around I saw a gun pointed at my face. What I didn't expect was for the man to collapse at my feet, and as I looked down I was Malcom Merlyn lowering his bow. 

"I hope that know you'll be able to forgive me." Malcolm said as he lowered his bow, at that moment another man was approaching him from behind and I returned the favor shooting him in the chest.

Malcolm flinched for a moment before he turned around and realized what I had just done. "Never." I told him, not able to find a single part of me that could forgive him regardless of how much help he has given us since what happened. 

We all continued fighting off the men until all we were left with was a deafening silence. 

I looked around the room as everyone met at the center of the room. At least we were all okay, and I couldn't help but smile to myself as I looked at everyone. This definitely wasn't the time, but there was a sense of being home that washed over me. 

"Sorry I was late." I told them as I looked around at the mess that was the hideout. This was nothing new, it seemed to happen far more often that we cared to admit.

"Actually you're right on time." Felicity replied out of breath as she dropped the pipe she had in her hand.

"Diane what are you doing here?" Oliver asked, and at this point I wasn't surprised by his lack of a formal greeting.

"Felicity called." I said as I placed my bow on the table, Oliver immediately looking over at her with disapproval. "I'm glad she did."

I've known Oliver long enough to know that he thought that this was his fight alone, and that he wanted to keep everyone he cared about as far away from Darhk as possible. Especially after what he did to Laurel.

If I was in his shoes I would probably feel the same way. But, now this involved my mother. And I couldn't understand why she would join forces with a man like Darhk, she was never one to believe in the end of the world.

She wanted to conquer it. She wanted power.

The only explanation I could form was that she simply wanted to get my attention.

She's succeeded.

"Well I for one am glad you're here kid." Dig assured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "We clearly need all the help that we can get. Just when things couldn't get any worse."

Oliver seemed to let go of the fact that I was back and looked at everyone else in the team. "Is everyone all right?"

"I think all right is a relative term." Felicity muttered as she looked around the Hideout.

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