30| Unwanted Returns*

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"Dr. McGee is dead?" Caitlin repeated after Cisco told us about what he vibes only a couple of minutes ago.

"Harry and I were trying to hone my powers to find Zoom, and then we ended up using them, finding The Reverse-Flash, and that's when I saw him kill her. And then he left."

"He left?" Barry repeated, clearly irritated that once again Thawne had slipped through his fingers. "What do you mean, he left?"

"McGee built him some kind of speed machine and he ran into and got flung back to the future."

"You'd need superluminal energy to send someone through time." Harry reminded us.

"You mean like tachyons?" I questioned, remembering what the Reverse Flash was after when he was last here.

"Tachyons." Harry repeated as be walked over to one of the computers. "We can track their location once they've been activated."

"Anything?" Barry asked eagerly.


Barry ran his hand though his hair in frustration before turning his attention back to us. "Cisco, you're sure that's what you saw?"

"I'm positive."

"What else did you see?" I tried, hoping that there could be something that he missed.

"There was all sorts of weird tech everywhere." Cisco mumbled as he tried to remember. "There was a clock."

Hearing this Harry immediately looked up, something clearly occurring to him. "What time did the clock say?"

"9:52. How how is that relevant?"

"It's 6:00 now." Harry stated causing Cisco's eyes to hidden in realization as he stood up from his chair.

"Are you telling me I can see the future?" Cisco said slowly as he turned towards Harry.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Those goggles are getting named immediately." Cisco muttered with excitement.

"That means Dr. McGee is alive." Caitlin muttered knowing that we we still had time to save her.

"Yeah, okay. We have 3 hours, 52 minutes to find her and stop Reverse-Flash. Let's do it." Barry ordered as we all immediately got to work on trying to find Dr. McGee.

The next couple of hours were spent waiting for any signs of the tachyons being activated, and as we began running out of time, we all started to become restless. "No sign of tachyon activity." Cisco informed with a sigh as he finally looked away from the computer screen.

"We're running out of time. We've got to find them." Barry replied as he continued pacing around the Cortex. Cisco'e eyes followed Barry, who was still pacing across the Cortex, before turning towards me with a look of irritation.

"Am I the only one getting more nervous because of his pacing?"

"Nope." I simply replied before turning my attention back at the task at hand.

"It'll take a few minutes for the device to reach full power once it's activated, but when we find it, you're gonna have to get there fast." Cisco said attempting to ease some of Barry's nerves, before one of our alarms suddenly went off a few seconds later. "Tachyons! 87th and Avenue J."

"Must be one of Mercury Labs' off-site facilities." Caitlin noted, before Barry rushed out the room taking his suit with him.

"Hack into their se...

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