43| Time is Unforgiving

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For the past couple of weeks Barry had holed himself up in S.T.A.R Labs attempting to find new ways to increase his speed, at least enough that he would be able to engage in an equal battle with Jay.  And although Barry argued strongly against it I was able to get him to accept Iris' offer to have diner at the West house. However, Barry wasn't the only one who was practically forced to have diner at the West, considering that Jade had also refused at first.

"Can I ask you for some advice?" Iris suddenly asked as she was finishing up the sauce that would go over the meal that she was cooking. I wasn't really one to cook, and although I had joined Iris in the kitchen I wasn't being much help. And when it came to advice I wasn't sure I wouldn't be much help either. 

"What kind of advice?" I questioned as I leaned back on the counter. I wasn't sure how much help I would by, but if I could help her with whatever she was going through of course I wanted to. 

"So I kind of went on a date." She started, waiting for my reaction. 

"With who?"

"The new editor at CCPN." Iris told me as she looked down at the rag in her hands. She clearly was unsure about this whole situation, and this usually wasn't a side of Iris that I was used to seeing. "Scott Evans. He's a really nice guy. He's sweet and smart..."

She trailed off with a hesitant look on her face, and it was clear that she was unsure of what to make of this date she just went on. "He sounds amazing. So, I don't see what the problem is other than maybe your own doubts."

"I just...I came to you because I know you went through something similar. And if there's anyone who can help me know how to move on it's you." Iris explained, and she didn't have to directly say it for me to understand what she meant. She was refereeing to Daniel and I was grateful for that. "It's just it all makes me think about Eddie. I think about him every day, Diane. It just feels wrong."

"I know exactly how you feel, and that's exactly why it took me so long to accept my feelings for Barry. I'd be lying if I told you it was easy, losing someone in that way never makes it easy." I told her trying to find way to word everything correctly. So many thoughts were going through my mind, and I had never been particularly good at girl talk but Iris needed help easing her fears. "I know for a fact that Eddie would want you to find love again. And the first step is accepting that and your the only person who knows when that will be. But if you take to long you might miss out on something great."

Iris nodded and sent me a grateful smile, and without a word we began setting the table as Barry and Joe walked into the kitchen to help. 

The front door opened and Wally stepped inside a bright smile on his face. Well, at least until he spotted Jade sitting at the table and they both sent each other unfriendly glares. "Hey, sorry I'm late."

"No, no, you're just in time." Joe stated as we all took our seats around the dining room table.

"So my advisor loved my engine designs and even asked me to help her out with one of her engineering projects." Wally stated proudly once we were all settled down.

"Okay, big man on campus." Joe teased as he took a sip from his drink. I was glad to see that he and Wally were finally getting along and were so much closer than before. My relationship with Jade has been similar, but she was so much more closed off than Wally is. And a part of me couldn't help but debt if we would ever become as close as Iris is with Wally. 

"It's not that big a deal."

"It's a great opportunity, and you should take it because life doesn't give those out all the time." Joe continued to tell his youngest son before turning towards Barry. "Isn't that right, Barry?" 

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