Member #3

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Name: Kwon Min Seol

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Name: Kwon Min Seol

Code name: Sunny

Age: 19

Birthday: 18/9/97

Nationality: American

Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii.

Face claim: Ailee

Character traits: • A good friend
• An extrovert
• Loyal
• Cautious
• Sensitive
• Stubborn
• Kind
• Thoughtful
• Very judgemental

Pet peeves: • Getting woken up
• When people take her food
• When someone scrapes their fork across the plate
• When people claim that someone will love them, even when the person doesn't know them.

Personality: She's a very kind and thoughtful person. She can make friends easily, although she does have trust issues, so she has to really get to know a person before becoming good friends with them. She's very playful but when it comes to getting tasks set for her done, she will prioritise it and won't put it off. She's extremely trust worthy and can keep secrets safe. When it comes to people she really trusts, it's hard for her to let go. She's indecisive and can't make decisions easily, and it's hard for her to make the right choices at times. She makes the atmosphere lighter when it seems down, she's basically the happy virus of the firm.

History/Background: She comes from a rich family, but when she couldn't handle all of their rules, she snuck out of her family home. Every now and then she goes back to her family home to check up on them, as she is on good terms with them. They know not to push their limits otherwise something will go down.

Weapon of choice/fight style: High-tech weaponry.

Relationship with their family: She's close with her mum and sister. Her dad disapproves of her running off and going somewhere, only to reappear a few months later. Her brother is known as an actor in the Star business, and they come into contact once in a while. Her sister is a rookie actor and is taking advice from her older brother, they are close and stay in contact often.

Passions: • Dance
• Music and writing - they are her ways of escaping reality and goes off into her own little world of wonder. Sometimes she gets so into it she zones out.

Song that you think represents them: Drake - Fake Love

Speciality: 'Upstairs Talker' and Interrogation


Welcome missknowitallhawaii , to the firm.
- The Boss

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