Chapter 19

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(Sorry again for any spelling mistakes~)

Hyerim wrapped an arm around Taeyang and helped him through the main reception of the building, going past the desk where Nana was sat and working.

She looked up and saw a shirtless Taeyang, covered in blood and large fresh cuts. She even saw his old one on his face bleeding again.

She gasped and stood up, covering her mouth with her delicate hand.

"Is he okay?" She asked Hyerim, sounding concerned and shocked.

"Just another day in the office to be honest darlin'." Hyerim answered and walked past her and headed to the hospital facility.

Nana stared at his bare back and the cuts on it. She wondered how he got them and hoped he would be okay. He's annoying sure, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like him or care for him. She sat down and not even a few seconds went by before she saw Kai Ling being carried in by Minseo, bridal style. Her eyes widened again.

Kai Ling looked tired and dazed in Minseo's strong arms. Her face was bruised and bleeding, blood was dripping from an injury on her back and waist, and her legs were scraped and dirty.

She just watched this time in shock as Minseo rushed past her and in the same direction of Hyerim and Taeyang.

She sat there for a few minutes, just recovering from the sights she just witnessed before she finished up with her work and left to go home.

Taeyang was helped onto the bed by Hyerim who then went to go get the doctor. He sat there and looked at Ryota who was asleep in the bed next to him.

The doctor rushed in with Mina close behind. He took one look at Taeyang and sighed.

"Go get some stitches and clean the wounds. You can stitch them." He ordered and Mina nodded before getting the requested equipment.

Minseo burst into the room and set Kai Ling on the bed, holding her up in a sitting position. The doctor hurried over to her and checked her multiple injuries.

Both the doctor and Mina got set and started to treat the wounds both patients had and made sure they were clean and comfortable.

"What happened to Ryota?" Taeyang asked Mina as she was stitching up the largest cut going across his chest. He was sad as he knew he would now have more scars.

"A chunk of his flesh got shot off I think. He lost a lot of blood and he's passed out on drugs." She explained in a monotone voice as she was concentrating. Taeyang hummed and kept quiet until she finished.

She popped some butterfly stitches onto the reopened cut on his cheek and gave him some painkillers before leaving him to rest until tomorrow. He just sat and watched Kai Ling being treated instead.

Minseo and Hyerim had gone as it was nearly 1AM and Kai Ling and Taeyang complained at them until they reluctantly left.

Kai Ling was soon treated and was given painkillers too. Mina left and the doctor went to bed at the hospital that he used when there were overnight patients, leaving the two injured patients on their own.

There was silence for a while until Taeyang finally spoke up.

"What do you think he did?" He asked, in a deep and low voice. Kai Ling sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"I don't know." She said in a raspy voice. "You know how people like Kyungil are. They like to over exaggerate and try to get you to see their side to things. He's just trying to get us to go against him, I wouldn't really listen." She said, brushing the topic off as nothing major. Somewhere in the back of her mind though she wondered, did he act the way Kyungil said he did?

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