Member #7

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Name: Moon Taeyang

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Name: Moon Taeyang

Code name: Wolf

Age: 22

Birthday: 13/2/94

Nationality: Korean

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea.

Face claim: Kai (EXO)

Character traits: • Likes things to be done on time, punctual.
• Hypocrite
• A little bit lazy
• Thinks before he acts
• Tugs at his hair when stressed

Pet peeves: • Blood on his nice clothes
• Tardiness
• Newbies

Personality: He's a cocky bastard and is oozing with confidence. He thinks he's the shit and will only listen if his life is on the line. He likes to do things his own way, and probably won't listen to his superiors unless they threaten him. He's also a man whore, you'll usually see him with a new woman everyday. Flirts with all the females at the firm and isn't shabby at it. Very precise when it comes to completing assignments and is always punctual. Although he's an asshole, he still has (some of) his priorities straight.

History/Background: Taeyang was left at the doorstep of an orphanage, he never knew his parents and surprisingly he was ok with that. In the orphanage he learnt how to play piano and the violin to pass time. He was a good looking boy, so young couples often chose him to foster, although he would cause havoc on the poor couples and immediately be sent back. The care workers called him 'Satan's Child'. He ran away from the orphanage and committed petty crimes. He was soon taken in by the old Boss's family, and into the firm at the age of 14.

Weapon of choice/fight style: Uses 2 handguns, one for each hand and he keeps them in his pockets. Also uses mixed martial arts.

Relationship with their family: Has none.

Passions: • Violin
• Piano
• The Firm (he's dedicated his life to them because they basically saved his life).
• Fighting

Song that you think represents them: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco

Speciality: Target Hunter and Tracker

Welcome _Yuji_ , the the firm.
-The Boss

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