Member #6

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Name: Sohee LeTrac

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Name: Sohee LeTrac

Code name: Perle

Age: 18

Birthday: 17/4/98

Nationality: American

Hometown: Manhattan, New York.

Face claim: Jisoo (BLACKPINK)

Character traits: • Flirty
• Cutesy/sexy (depends on the situation)
• Good liar
• Observant
• Emotional
• Good listener
• Calculating

Pet peeves: • Idiots
• People with no class/tact
• Ugly colours
• Waking up early

Personality: She's usually always in a good mood unless something ticks her off. When she's in a bad mood it's difficult to get her out of it unless there's shopping or boys involved. She's always been boy crazy but not too obsessed. Although people think she's ditzy/a klutz, she's actually pretty observant. She loves smiling because she looks prettiest then. Although she acts like she doesn't care, if there is business that needs to be handled she's pretty reliable. Being so young she still has to learn how to act in certain situations. She gets into trouble sometimes over how she acts but it's her personality that gets her and the firm out of trouble almost all the time. She's a big people person and can talk to and win over almost anyone. She tends to lie a little too much, but she never lies if there's a chance that it will hurt someone she loves.

History/Background: Living in Manhattan meant she was always able to get the nicest things. Her parents were very wealthy and showered her with money and barely any love. Her mother trained her to become a sophisticated, well mannered lady. She learned how to act in front of people and how to act trustworthy but be fake from her mother. Her amazing skill of lying also originated from her mother. Her father was never present so he didn't matter to her. Although her parents thought she was the perfect child, she hid many secrets away from them. Mostly about what she did when they weren't around.

Weapon of choice/fight style: Two curved daggers or her custom Ithaca 1911.

Relationship with their family: She's really close to her brother and sister because they were always there for her.
It's hard for her to talk to her brother though as he's in the airforce. Her sister tries daily to to talk her. Her relationship with her mum is kind of strained but they are civil to each other. Her relationship with her dad is almost nonexistent, apart from the phone calls on her birthday.

Passions: • Shopping/online shopping
• Partying
• Taking selfies/Social media

Song that you think represents them:
The Weeknd - In The Night

Speciality: Weapons and Drugs Smuggler.

Welcome xrnboom , to the firm.
- The Boss

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