Member #1

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Name: Seo Dae-Hyun

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Name: Seo Dae-Hyun

Code name: Jäger

Age: 20

Birthday: 14/6/96

Nationality: Korean

Hometown: Changwon, South Korea

Face claim: Ken (VIXX)

Character traits: • Unpredictable

Pet peeves: • Time wasters
•People not getting to the point or those who ramble in important situations.

Personality: He's a very intellectual person. He's quick thinking and always has ideas. Is able to get out of most situations with him on top, or at least on the good side. He's charming as hell and knows what to say and when to say it. Jokes are also used by him to break the ice and get people to warm up to him, or are done with sarcasm or accidentally as its in his nature to joke.
Although he doesn't get along with his family, he can get along with almost every one he meets. He's able to adapt to the person and gets on their good side, earning trust and friendships, although most of them are false and are used to his advantage.

History/Background: His family are very distant. His other brother went abroad to work and has no intentions on coming back to Korea. His parents aren't together, nor care about him. He's basically on his own.
He did very well in school in an attempt to win over his distancing parents, but was met with nothing but higher expectations as his brother moved abroad when he was given a job in science.
Throughout school he was bullied but he didn't seem phased. It wasn't physical bullying as he could easily fight back, but it was mental abuse. This toughened him up and now isn't vulnerable to manipulation.
He moved to Seoul to be as far away from his parents as possible and ended up getting into Mafia life by accident, and he's never looked back.

Weapon of choice/fight style: Close call combat. Can use any gun, but his personal favourite is a sniper rifle.

Relationship with their family: Distant. Might as well have no family.

Passions: • Thoroughly enjoys what he does.
• Making people proud of him.
• Weapons, especially gun.

Song that you think represents them: Jack White - Lazaretto

Speciality: 'Upstairs Talker' and Eliminator

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