Chapter 29

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(This is just the song I listened to when writing the last few parts of the chapter, you don't need to listen to it. I just thought I would put it here incase anyone wanted to hear it ahaha!)

The club was a place where Minseo felt at home. He was in control there even though he didn't own it. He knew how to get his way, and used his manipulative mafia side there to do this. Nowhere or anyone is safe from his mafia manipulative side. It's become a part of him at this point.

Hyerim immediately regretted wearing such high heels as her feet were already aching. She just hated busy places like this when she wasn't wearing heels as she's so short. She hates not being able to see her environment as she's swamped by taller people.

She straightened her tight shirt before entering the bar. Minseo grabbed the handle and opened the door for her, with a small smile on his thick lips.

"Thank you." She said with a smile before strutting inside. Minseo followed behind her as she headed towards the bar that was illuminated by blue and pink neon lights. She perched herself on one of the high stools and leaned an elbow on the bar, smiling at Minseo as he stood next to her.

She smiled sweetly at him, but he just stared back with a blank expression. This went on for about 20 seconds until Minseo finally cracked.

"Okay fine." He sighed. He leaned on the bar and got the attention of his good friend behind the bar.

"Minseo!" The tall and incredibly handsome man greeted, his smile reaching his eyes making them seem small. "It's been more than four days since I last saw you here." He said, Minseo shifted as he felt Hyerim's gaze on him. "Thought you finally died or something. I was worried." He joked. Minseo shot him a false smile before standing up straight.

"Hello to you too." He joked and motioned a hand towards Hyerim. "She'll have whatever as long as it's not alcoholic, and I'll have whatever drink has the highest percentage." He said.

"Does 'she' have a name?" The smiley man asked as he rummaged through the drinks, looking for the one Minseo blindly requested.

"I'm Hyerim." She introduced. "And you?" She asked, resting her head on her hand. The man turned around and smiled at her, his happiness seemed infectious.

"Inguk, but everyone seems to call me Gukkie for some reason. Awful nickname in my opinion." He said, before holding up the bottle at Minseo. "I'm sure this isn't in your budget." He stated, making Minseo's face scrunch up.

"How much can it possibly be?" He chuckled.

"Well, it's absinthe." He stated, making Minseo's eyes light up. "70% alcohol." He added. "It's also 28,000₩ per bottle. (£20/$25)" Minseo couldn't help but let out a loud laugh at the price.

"What's the cheapest drink you got with the highest percentage?" He asked. Inguk rolled his eyes and put the bottle back in the cooler, grabbing a bottle of vodka instead.

"The usual then?" He asked, a playful look on his face. Minseo nodded and turned to look at the mass of people dancing to the loud and booming music. Inguk grabbed a glass and filled it with vodka before placing it by Minseo's hand. Hyerim stared at it in shock.

"He drinks it straight?" She asked Inguk, who was putting he bottle back. He nodded at her. Hyerim shook her head. "I'll have whatever looks the most like alcohol but actually isn't." Inguk smiled and went to find her something.

Minseo's eyes scanned every face he could see, but he couldn't see anyone he was interested in. He felt picky tonight.

He sighed and grabbed his drink, quickly drinking it and swallowing before his body could even gag at the strong and sharp taste. He doesn't like the taste at all, but who drinks alcohol for the flavour?

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