Chapter 4

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Kai Ling walked over to Hyuk who was chained by his wrist in the centre of the room, and looked him up and down.

"Name?" She asked.

"Hyuk." He answered immediately.

"Hey, looks like he got the right impression of us." Minseo smiled. "Keep it up lad, we might not hurt you too much if you do." He said and patted Hyuk on the back before walking over to the table of weapons.

"Let me guess Hyuk, you've been refusing to answer questions right?" Kai Ling asked and Hyuk gulped. "I don't know what questions they were but I'm going to assume they were to do with the drugs and where they went. Am I right?" She asked patronisingly.

"Y-yes." He stammered. Kai Ling frowned and slapped Hyuk across the cheek.

"You took my fucking drugs somewhere Hyuk, and I want to know where they are." She said angrily. "It's rude to steal, and I don't appreciate being robbed."

"Calm down Zero, the poor guy's shitting himself already." Minseo laughed. "Ask him where they are, don't hit him randomly."

"He stole my drugs Scorpion!" She exclaimed, looking at Minseo but pointed at Hyuk.

"Technically they're not your drugs." He muttered shadily, raising his eyebrows as he had a sip of his water. Kai Ling rolled her eyes and turned to face Hyuk again.

"Where are the drugs?" She asked, trying to sound calm just to spite Minseo.

"They're in one of our units. They-they're going to the dock tonight." He said quickly.

"The dock? Why the dock?" She asked. Hyuk stayed quiet and closed his eyes tightly, waiting to get hit. "Answer me Hyuk." She demanded but he remained quiet.

"Now you can hit him." Minseo said. Kai Ling shook her head in annoyance.

"Why don't you hit him Scorpion? You seem to be the expert here." She suggested sarcastically. Minseo put his hands up and shook his head in fake modesty.

"No! I couldn't Zero. I couldn't take the pleasure away from you." He said, a smile forming on his lips.

"No, you would be doing me a favour!" She replied. Kyoji sighed and walked over to Hyuk. Fed up and annoyed with the childish argument he took it upon himself to punch Hyuk in the face. The sound echoed and bounced off the concrete walls of the room.

"I did it. Now stop this petty arguing." He said annoyed, before walking back to where he was standing before.

"See, you made him angry now." Minseo added quietly.

"You both made me fucking angry, now leave it and get this over with." Kyoji snapped.

"Why are the drugs going to the dock?" Kai Ling asked slowly. Again, Hyuk stayed silent. "Why are you doing this? Do you like being in pain?" She questioned as she picked up the knife she was holding before and walked back over to the terrified man. She rested the blade on one of his arms that was being held up. "Now I'm going to ask again Hyuk, why are they going to the dock?"

Hyuk's lips stayed sealed.

"Fine. Have it your way." She said before pressing down on the blade, causing Hyuk to gasp. Slowly she dragged the sharp piece of metal down his arm, Hyuk gasping and letting out pained whimpers as she did. When satisfied she moved the blade away. "That good enough, oh master torturer?" She asked Minseo sarcastically.

"Well-" he started to reply but was interrupted by Kyoji.

"Oh my god guys!" He yelled and rubbed in face with his hands. "I put up with this for the first two guys, but I just can't take it anymore!" Kai Ling and Minseo looked at each other before back at Kyoji. "Just ask him shit and stop messing around!"

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