Chapter 28

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Minseo hopped down the steps from the makeshift boardroom which had to be put back to normal as the original workers were back. Without the workers it would just be Min Seol and Dae-Hyun keeping the legal side of casino in check.

He sipped on the coffee in his hands as he reached the small corridor leading to Dae-Hyun and Min Seol's office. Walking through he saw Dae-Hyun waking from his nap in his friends chair.

"Wakey wakey~!" Minseo sang as he stood in front of the dazed man. Dae-Hyun rubbed his eyes and blinked up at him, a small frown on his face and his mouth slightly agape. Minseo squealed and placed his coffee cup on the desk before shuffling over and wrapping his arms around Dae-Hyun from behind, squeezing him cutely.


"Look at you, all tired and looking adorable~!" He cooed, pressing his cheek against Dae-Hyun's. "Tired love?" He asked in a cute quiet voice.

"Piss off." Dae-Hyun chuckled, reaching up and pushed Minseo's head away from his. Minseo laughed and walked away, picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip.

"Looks like you need this more than me." He said gesturing to his drink, making Dae-Hyun glare at him. "Oh yeah, have you seen Lucky by the way?" He asked, remembering why he came down in the first place.

"Uh, last I saw her she said she was going to get food or something." Dae yawned, stretching his limbs. "Why?"

Before he could answer, the office door burst open. Sohee, Min Seol who was being helped by Taeyang and Kai Ling hobbled in. Taeyang and Kai Ling helped her sit on her desk. Dae looked up and couldn't register what was happening.

"What..?" He mumbled, still not fully awake.

"Sunny got shot." Taeyang stated. "Where's Mina?" He asked urgently.

"I'll get Zeno." Sohee said. She ran to the corridor door and stopped. "Zeno!" She yelled up the stairs. "Get down here now!"

"I don't think he'll appreciate being yelled at." Taeyang chuckled as he kept applying pressure to Min Seol's bullet wound on her thigh.

"Oh well." Sohee sighed and walking over to Dae-Hyun's desk and sat on it, drumming her fingers on the wood. Minseo joined her and couldn't help but smile at the younger as she looked stressed.

Ryota entered the room and looked a little annoyed that he was yelled at. Everyone's eyes fell on him. He was about to snap and ask who yelled but when he saw Min Seol his expression changed.

"What happened?" He asked and strode over to the shot girl.

"Fucking Kyungil shot her for no reason." Kai Ling muttered as she started fixing bandages she found in Min Seol's desk drawer. "It was a setup."

"A setup? What was a setup?" He asked sternly. No one had told him about this meeting as it was a last minute arrangement.

Kai Ling looked up and sighed as she realised she forgot to tell him. Ryota raised his eyebrows in question, demanding an answer.

"Seung-Hyun called us for a meeting. He had two Nobody guys there and things turned a little upside down pretty quickly. Kyungil was in on the whole thing." She answered quietly as she wrapped the bandage around Min Seol's leg. "We were leaving and he grabbed her, held a gun to her head. After letting her go he shot her in the thigh. Just to prove a point."

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