Member #9

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Name: Minseo Hillocke

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Name: Minseo Hillocke

Code name: Scorpion

Age: 21

Birthday: 13/10/95

Nationality: Korean

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea.

Face claim: Daehyun (BAP)

Character traits: • Flirty
• Outgoing
• Persistent
• Loud
• Cuddly
• Stubborn

Pet peeves: • People who take his things
• People who interrupt him
• People who ignore him
• Being told no

Personality: Minseo is generally very loud and outgoing, speaking up to make a snide remark or to tease people. He doesn't have any friends because his open personality tends to drive others away in their line of work. He's always open and talkative which annoys a lot of people. If he feel threatened or in danger his flight or fight instincts kick in and he'll let you know by threatening and injuring the person so they don't touch him.
He loves any sort of physical contact and makes it as often as he can even if the person doesn't want it. Minseo finds people's pain funny and will prank people a lot to get a reaction out of them. This usually turns out bad though because he ends up hurting someone's feelings and then he has to apologise, and this is the whole thing Minseo usually ignores and blocks out because it takes all the fun out of it. Minseo is really stubborn and will not apologise no matter what. He could stab a friend and it would take a miracle for him to apologise. He also loves the thrill of the chase. Considering he has a smaller build that's not really meant for fighting, he uses his leg muscles to help him escape.
Contrary to popular belief, Minseo is also very smart. His mind is always thinking. He's always thinking of ways to improve weapons and new weapons/techniques to use. He tends not to just jump into things and actually calculates, but if he's really mad or emotional all his brains will go out the window. This results to him straight up walking up to someone and saying "I'm going to kill you.", before then trying to kill them. Luckily he succeeds in killing them most of the time and gets away with it, but the cops have almost caught him multiple times. He doesn't have anger issues though, and is happy more than any other emotion.
Minseo is extremely flirtatious and will flirt with anything that moves. He always wants to be the one to infiltrate because he thinks he can get a good lay out of one of the rich people there if he's lucky, and knowing him, he will be. He uses his looks to get him what he wants and do whatever he likes. He once sucked off an officer so he wouldn't go to jail.

History/Background: Minseo's mother never wanted him. She and his father had him by accident. His parents knew they couldn't support themselves, much less a child in the life of poverty. One day his mother took a coat hanger and stabbed herself in the stomach, trying to abort the baby because she couldn't afford a real abortion. However Minseo's mother wasn't with only one child, but two. Minseo's twin brother does from the attack, but he managed to survive once his mother passed out from the pain. His father came in as soon after and took her to a local doctor who who saved Minseo. His parents were apprehensive about a child but wanted him, so they went great miles to make sure he grew up ok. Unfortunately that meant getting involved in gangs.
Minseo remembers watching his parents' murder. He remembers them being savagely tortured, and their screams echo around in his skull. He was only 5 at the time. He didn't scream nor cry, just watched. After his parents' bodies were found, he was taken to the local orphanage where the children were homeschooled. During his first year of homeschooling, it was clear that he was different from everyone else. Within the first week he held a collection of poisonous news in his room, and was friends with everyone there. His loud personality drew people in like a fly into a spiders web. People came and went but no matter how kind Minseo was to them, he was never adopted. So when he was 18, he was finally kicked out onto the streets, where he followed his parents' footsteps and joined a gang.

Weapon of choice/fight style: He's the silent assassin that's in plain view, no one sees until they're dead. He prefers using poisons and concoction to kill his victims instead of shooting or stabbing them. He will use a dagger sometimes but it's always laced with poison so that he just needs to get one hit in and they'll be down. On the contrary to his personality he likes his kills to be silent and painful. He uses poisons to leave his victims slowly suffering as he gets away. He's like a scorpion because he uses pins dipped in poison and stabs his victim with a whip like speed in the back of the neck or any part of their body. By the time the poison is triggered, Minseo is long gone. In general though, he doesn't actually like fighting and killing. He's good at hand at hand combat but nothing special.

Relationship with their family: It was pretty close, but now they're all dead.

Passions: • Drawing
• Creating new poisons
• Cuddling people
• Collecting small animals
• Chemistry
• Sex

Song that you think represents them:
Say Goodbye - Greenday

Speciality: Torture and Weapons smuggling

Welcome AcexofxNovas , to the firm.
- The Boss

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