Chapter 34

34 3 47

Minseo stormed to the bar Yuto worked in, going through the back heading straight to the only group of people that were there. Minseo could see from here one of them had bloody knuckles. They were stood laughing and drinking around a pool table, having a nice little game.

Minseo grabbed a pool cue without even stopping, no second though. Striding over he pulled the cue back, grip so tight his knuckles went white, before smashing the wooden stick over the man with the bloody knuckles' back.

"Oof!-" was heard along with the sound of the wood snapping. The man fell so his chest rested on the pool table, the heavy balls clacking and moving in every direction, ruining the game. The other four guys looked up and gasped. The man who was hit got up and blindly swung at Min, but he crouched and missed. Then they all started to join the fight.

One stepped forward only for his crotch to be met by Minseo's fist, making him double over in pain. The gangster stood up and uppercut the pained thug, chuckling as he watched him stumble back.

"Who the fuck is this?!" One of them asked and made the mad man laugh even more. He dodged a swing only for one of the thugs to kick his legs from underneath him, making Min fall onto his back. Suddenly the bottom of a boot is all he sees, gasping before quickly rolling to the side and under the pool table. He just about missed a stomp to the face.

When on the other side of the large table he got up and targeted one of the guys alone this side, punching his gut, then his face with a hook. Stumbling to the side Min saw the other two that were both moving to punch him. Min dodged and moved aside so the two thugs stepped past him. Min grabbed a bar stool and smashed it over one of the men's head, making him fall to the floor unconscious.

Before the other guy could even register what happened Min kicked the back of his knee, making him kneel down in front of the table. Min grabbed a fistful of the guys thinning hair and smashed his head against the solid wood of the table, letting him go to watch him fall, unconscious or dead. Min didn't really care.

The last man able to do anything, the one with the bloody knuckles, strides over with a fist pulled back. Min barely catches a glimpse of it before it connects with his jaw. Min fell back, falling purposely and reaches for the snapped pool cue left in the floor. The man hurries over, ready to kick the gangster. Min grunts and he quickly smashes the mans knee in with his fist, his hand hurting but he wasted no time getting to his feet before stabbing the sharp broken wood into the mans shoulder. Min holds onto the wood as the man cries out, twisting the wood and pushing it further in.

"Agh-" Minseo grunts as he's yanked away by the last remaining guy, who was walking funny from being punched in his 'Crown Jewels'. He watches him walk towards him, and Min is over it by this point. He wants this over and to go home to his Yuto. Pulling one of the few syringes from his jacket pocket, he quickly pulls off the plastic covering the sharp and lunges. The metal piercing the mans neck, his thumb pressing the substance into him, letting go and watched him start fitting in the floor. Min watched his mouth foam white, then pink, then red. The sound of the gurgling making him smile sickeningly, before he stops moving altogether. A quick death.

"That could have been you." Minseo says to the man still whimpering about the cue in his shoulder. "Don't ever threaten, or beat my boyfriend again. Or you'll die a way slower and more painful death than your friend over there." He spat, before kicking the wood, pushing it in further.

Min then slicks his hair back and leaves the bar staring the walk home, panting. His house wasn't far from the bar, but when he sees the building, he notices a strange car in the driveway. He frowned, before he gasped and sprinted inside. The car had those classic blue accents to it.

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