Chapter 1

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Ryota pushed open the heavy wooden doors and walked into the boardroom, his younger brother Kyoji following close behind. The long wooden table in the centre of the room was occupied by the other top 1o members of Malevolent. Everyone's heads turned to see their Boss and his brother walking in and go to their designated seats at the end of the table.

"Thank you all for showing up on such short notice." Ryota said with an appreciative smile. Everyone at the table nodded. "This is awfully important and I only trust you guys with this information." Ryota went on to explain, in a suddenly serious voice.

"Do you mean, you suspect there's insiders for whatever this is?" Kai Ling asked, her voice cautious as if she's worried of asking the wrong thing. Ryota nodded in response.

"I'm afraid so." He said annoyed. "But I trust all of you. You've all stayed with this firm through some of the harshest of times, I know none of you would go against us."

"What's happened?" Minseo asked, getting a little impatient but didn't ask rudely.

"I received news in the very early hours of the morning that one of our units has been attacked and destroyed by The Nobodies. Half the crew that we had stationed there were found by the firm building, dead. They looked like they had been tortured before death or mutilated after." Ryota started to explain.

"And the other half?" Hyerim asked curiously.

"Well, that's the point. We don't know. There isn't any trace of them." Ryota stated bluntly. "The fact we can't find them or any traces of them suggests that they were in on the attack. We suspect they are working for The Nobodies as inside members. They either left with them or didn't turn up as they knew the unit was to be destroyed."

"The drugs stored at the unit however were not in the rubble. They must have taken them before the attack they knew was coming. It's all very well thought out." Dae-Hyun added.

"And how do you know?" Taeyang asked Dae-Hyun, sounding almost annoyed but bored also. He raised and eyebrow at him and looked at his as he sat back in his chair, arms crossed.

"I'm his second hand guy, idiot. You should know this." He sarcastically said. Taeyang just rolled his eyes and looked away. "Now can I carry on?" He asked, trying to annoy Taeyang.

"Oh please do." Taeyang answered, sarcasm dripping off his words. Dae-Hyun smiled sweetly at him before continuing.

"Anyway, it must have been a big operation as that's one of our biggest storage units. There must have been big vans and shit to be able to carry the drugs away, and quite a few people to help. How this happened unnoticed by the other workers at the unit, we don't know." He explained.

"What drugs did they take?" Sohee asked. Dae-Hyun looked down at his notes in front of him.

"They took everything there. The heroin, cocaine, the meth, and all the pills you guys had there." He said and sent her an empathetic smile. Sohee tutted and pouted a little, looking over to Kai Ling who sent her back a sad frown.

"If The Nobodies are now targeting and destroying out storage units, this means they want war." Ryota stated. "They've been quiet for a while, why they're surfacing and causing havoc now we don't know. What we do know however, is that we're going to get to the bottom of this, and eliminate them altogether."

"What? Kill everyone in that firm?" Min Seol asked, sounding a little surprised at his sudden arrangement.

"We'll capture and interrogate the members that once worked for us, then we'll kill them." He answered calmly. Min Seol nodded in understanding. "It won't be easy, I'm not saying it will be. We do have a plan though. It's thought out and everyone here has a role to play. If one of us decides to go fuck off, then it's ruined. I need everyone's full co-operation, and I know that's going to be hard for a few of you." He said and looked at Taeyang, Yeonhee, and Kyoji, who just shook their heads at the singling out.

"What's the plan?" Inha asked.

"Well, it all starts off with Wolf," he said and looked at him. Taeyang looked up a little surprised when he heard his name. "you will track down the traitors and give us their names and locations. Then, you, and Lucky will collect the targets, and bring them here for interrogation. Sunny, and Ace will get all the information out of them as you can, and if not satisfactory, pass them along to our torturers. Zero, Scorpion, and Hanzo will get everything we need before killing them. Whilst this is happening Jäger, Inej, Hanzo, any myself will pick off some of The Nobodies' workers when we can. Lucky, Yoshi, and Ace will then take down their units. You know, for a little bit of pay back." He said sent them an evil smile before continuing. "Zero and Perle, and then Perle and Scorpion must keep the smuggling business going. You guys earn us more than half of our earning and we need money for this war. Sunny and Jäger, you guys will make sure the police do not think we're responsible for what we do." He explained in detail. He sighed and sat back in his seat. "Right, any questions?" He asked, and everyone shook their heads. "Right. Wolf go find out who and where out traitors are. Let's get this started then." He said smiling and clasped his hands together.

Everyone responded together, "Yes Boss.".


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