Chapter 24

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(5300+ words... Sorry ahaha! I apologise for any spelling mistakes as longer chapters are harder to proof read.)

Minseo sat behind the wheel, Kyoji in the passenger seat, and Inha and Hyerim in the back. The car was practically shaking as Minseo turned on some music and had it at stupidly high volume.

Hyerim and Minseo sang along in a passionate duet, whereas Inha stayed quiet and stared out the window at the busy streets of night time Seoul. Kyoji sat there, contemplating about murdering the singing pair. He bit his tongue and thought he should store the anger and use it for later, when he can actually kill people.

"Your mic isn't on you idiot." Taeyang could be heard saying. Everyone frowned as they were confused if he was talking to them or not. "Your specialty is high-tech weapons, yet you forget to turn your mic on." He spoke again. "Are you kidding me? It's that button there." He whined. "High-tech my ass..."

The ride was short but felt like an eternity to one of them. They pulled right up to a gate that would have allowed them access right onto the airfield. They stopped in front of the gates and Minseo turned the music down, rolling down the window also.

He leaned so his head was out the car and smiled nicely at the man in a booth next to the gates. Minseo pulled out a card from his suit jacket and flashed it at the man. The man nodded and pressed a button which opened the mesh wire doors.

They drove down the airfield until a familiar blonde standing next to part of the airport building was visible. They drove over and stopped next to her. Kyoji's mood lightened as he saw her small smiling face.

They all got out the car and walked up to Momo who met them half way. She was holding a small book in her hand and dressed smartly as usual. Her short black dress was paired up with a dark khaki thigh length coat, and black heels. Kyoji had to stop himself from looking her up and down, mentally slapping himself when he felt tempted. She just looked so beautiful.

Minseo walked over to her and gave her a hug like he always does, exchanging happy greetings and compliments about their attires.

"I'm loving the casual suit." She said and gestured to Minseo's clothes. A smug look plastered itself to his face and he took a step back, opening his arms out so everyone could get a good look at his clothes. He had a tight black shirt, with matching skinny suit pants and a jacket.

"Why the fuck are you wearing a suit?" Kyoji asked bluntly.

"You dress nicely to funerals don't you?" Minseo stated. Hyerim laughed at his words and Inha just rolled her eyes and started to scan the area and plan their attack. Kyoji physically cringed and didn't even know how to respond.

"You're a joke." Taeyang's voice said into their ears.

"You wore a suit just to make that joke?" Kyoji asked, knowing the answer was 'yes' already.

"You gotta put the work in sometimes Hanzo." He said and patted him on his shoulder. "Right, Momo. What do we need to know?" He asked and turned to face her properly now.

She cleared her throat and brushed a stray strand of hair that fell across her face from her low ponytail behind her ear. Her cold and numb hands fiddled with her note book, flicking through the pages trying to find the right one.

"Ah okay..." She said to herself as she found it. "So the jet should be here at 1AM, so practically right now. There are business men it says here, but I can deal with them as usual. Also I confirmed that this is their only jet they use for weapon importing, so you know once this is done they can't bring anymore in or export anymore out." She said with a proud smile. Kyoji's lips turned up slightly at the corners, her smile's contagious.

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