Chapter 26

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The days after the successful mission were spent carrying on with normal duties as if nothing had happened. It seemed that Dae-Hyun and his episodes of agonising and invisible pain were not topics of discussion. Everyone seemed to have deemed it something to not be talked about.

He wasn't in for a couple days and no one heard from him, not even Min Seol.

When he turned up back in the casino, everyone greeted him happily but as if he'd never really been away. Min Seol however sent him a worried expression as he approached her. He sent her a faint smile that didn't reach his usually cheerful and lively eyes. She picked up on it immediately.

"Hello." He greeted in a tired, croaky, and unusually quiet voice. He stopped in front of her and adjusted his cuff links on his suit shirt.

"Hey." She replied and observed his face. He looked pale and sick, his eyes drooping slightly, not seeming fully awake.

"You met him then." Dae-Hyun replied, trying to sound more alive than he actually was and failed. Min Seol went along with his fake positivity and hummed.

"Quite the visual I have to say." She commented. "Keep a grip on him Dae. Wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to snatch him for themselves." She joked and looked around the casino at the people gambling away money they probably didn't earn themselves.

"Oh people know not to mess with me." He stated in a threatening tone. He glanced around and groaned before rubbing his pale face. "Is it alright if I take a nap in your chair?" He asked. When he usually asks this he does aegyo or tries to make himself look even cuter, but this time he didn't even bother. Like he had no energy to muster to even attempt to do so.

Min Seol sighed and again regretted spending so much on her office chair. She just wanted good posture, but it also ended up being the comfiest seat in the casino. Dae-Hyun claiming it as his napping chair.

"Fine." She sighed and Dae-Hyun cheered quietly and hugged her. "Only because you're clearly ill." She added as Dae-Hyun pulled away. "Aren't you sleeping well at home, or wherever Leo took you?" She asked. Dae-Hyun frowned at her words quickly and tried to shake it off.

"He was sticking needles in me, which usually makes it hard to comfortably sleep. The cardiac monitors fucking beeping make me wish I had no fucking heartbeat for it to monitor. It was so annoying." He mumbled and rubbed his temples with his fingers gently. His skin looked so transparent and thin, Min Seol felt like if he pressed hard enough his fingers would break the delicate skin. "But at least I'm better now, aye? Can't complain." He muttered as he walked past her and headed to their office.

"Sleep well darlin'." She called after him, worry present in her voice. She may be a couple years younger than him, but she felt protective and motherly of him.

She tried to stop thinking about Dae-Hyun and his fucked up situation. She was failing until she saw Taeyang walking towards her.

"Hey Wolf?" She asked, more than greeted. Taeyang sent her a rushed smile before looking around. He stepped closer to her and leaned in slightly so he could talk in a hushed voice that only she could hear.

"We need to go to a negotiation." He stated. "One of our leading drugs importers is being difficult as he knows of our situation with The Nobodies. Zeno asked for you and me specifically to go with Zero and Perle." He explained.

"Why us? We've got nothing to do with the drugs side of things." She asked, confused slightly.

"Your job is to smooth talk, no? Use that." He prompted.

"Why are you going then?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"I'm quite the smooth talker as well I'll have you know." He chuckled, stepping back and started to walk backwards out the casino. "Come on, the two are meeting us there. We gotta walk." He hurried.

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