Chapter 11

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Taeyang and Hyerim got to their car and they both stopped and looked at each other. Hyerim send him a cute smile and Taeyang chewed the inside of his cheek as he mentally debated with himself.

"Fine." He sighed. Hyerim squealed and ran to the drivers seat. "Only because you were having a bad day though." He explained as he got into the passengers seat.

"Love you too Wolf." Hyerim teased as she started the ignition. "Where to?"

"I'll give you directions, just go to Seoul city centre." He said and she nodded.

After a while of driving with Taeyang giving out directions, the two reached their destination and where the traitors should be.

"Here?" Hyerim asked, peering out the window to look at the modern looking building. There was a lot of windows on the building, which were clean. So someone must be here often enough for there to be clean windows. It looked like a fancy two story office building.

"Apparently." Taeyang said and got out, checking his phone just to make sure.

"Maybe you got it wrong." Hyerim teased him again. Taeyang looked up from his phone and frowned at her.

"I'm never wrong with tracking people." He muttered looking down again.

"Salty are we?" Hyerim asked amused. Taeyang frowned even more and waved a hand at Hyerim to tell her to go away, but just made her laugh instead.

"This is the place." He confirmed. "Can we just like, walk in?"

"With a bunch of guns on us, yeah of course. They'll greet us themselves, maybe give us a nice glass of champagne too." Hyerim said sarcastically as the two walked up the stairs to the building entrance. Taeyang rolled his eyes and pushed her on the shoulder, she just laughed at him.

"Don't be mean, I was just asking." He whined like a kid.

They entered the building cautiously, looking in every direction. It was empty but open. There was barely a second floor from what it looked like, just some stairs to small landing which led to two corridors. It was very open, too open for comfort.

Hyerim pulled out her revolver and held it so she could quickly shoot and aim when she saw someone, Taeyang doing the same with his two pistols.

"Should we stick together or split up?" Taeyang asked. Hyerim pondered and looked around the building once again.

"How many are there?" She asked.


"Split up, it's a nice even number." She stated and cautiously walked over to one of the two stairwells. Taeyang chuckled at her reasoning and went up the second stairwell.

They both reached the top and then they split up, each going down one of the corridors.

Taeyang went right. He carefully walked down until he reached a door. He pressed his ear to it to listen out for any movement, and when he was happy no one was in there he pushed open the door.

The room looked very lived in. There were was a mattress of the floor with unmade bed covers, obviously slept in. He walked over to it and put his hand on it. It was a little warmer than it would have been in this cold room. 'They're still here.' He thought to himself.

He walked out the room and went further down the corridor until he saw another two doors. One at the very end of the corridor and another on the side, like the last room.

He went to the nearest one and opened it. No one was there. He came back out and narrowed his eyes at the last door. 'It's too obvious, surely they're not in there.'

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