Chapter 33

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Taeyang and Dae-Hyun run through the casino and stop as their shoes touch the damp concrete of the pavement outside. Dae-Hyun looks to Taeyang as he has no idea what the people look like, only that there is a bomb somewhere.

Taeyang looks around for the two men in all black, one carrying a small case. His eyes stop and widen however when he sees Nana walking towards him.

"Nana, what are you doing?" He asks quickly and urgently. She frowns at him and tilts her head as she goes to walk past him.

"I work here." She says as if it's obvious, rolling her eyes slightly. Taeyang would have laughed at how obvious the answer was if there wasn't a bomb threatening to blow up their only other building.

"Don't go in!" He warns and steps in front of her. She sighs in annoyance and takes a step back.

"Tae, just let me go past. I need to work."

"It's not safe in there."

"Then why are all the other casino goers allowed in there then?" She asks, gesturing to the gambling people inside the casino behind Taeyang. "Why aren't you evacuating them if it's oh so dangerous?" She argued. When Taeyang said nothing but stared at her with his mouth open slightly. "Exactly."

"No Nana-" He protested and reached to grab her to stop her. She frowned and took a couple steps back as she saw him reaching for her.

"I swear to god-" She started to yell when she interrupted herself with a scream. She whimpered as she felt a cold metal barrel of a gun pressed against her temple, and a strong arm wrap around her throat stopping her from moving.

"Nana!" Taeyang yelled as he saw the two Nobody members grab her and press a gun to her head. His mind went wild, running through scenario after scenario on how to tackle this.

"Oh..." Dae-Hyun said to himself as he realised that these two were the ones they were looking out for. But it was a bit late now.

"Taeyang! Help!" She yelled, gripping into the man's arm around her neck. He looked over to Dae-Hyun who looked back. Taeyang nodded slightly and they both pulled out their pistols, but didn't aim them. Just making sure the attackers knew they were there.

"Why are you doing that?" Taeyang asked, not lightly but not too seriously either. He didn't want the attackers to know he was very much bothered by this and wanted to kill them both immediately.

The one with a tight grasp on Nana chuckled in her ear, making her cringe away and whimper quietly. Her eyes scared to open as she felt if something went down and bullets start flying, she would rather her last view to not be of blood and violence.

"Orders are orders." He simply stated. Taeyangs eyebrows twitches into a frown immediately. Glancing at Dae-Hyun who looked equally as confused he met the Nobodies gaze.

"What were those orders exactly?" He asked, now his voice as nothing but serious. The small quiet whimpers from Nana made him feel restless. He wanted to help immediately but he couldn't risk a wrong move or she would be dead in a second, no hesitation.

"What do you think they were?" The man prompted, causing Taeyang to shake in anger.

"I assume it includes something to do with that suitcase and nothing to do with the girl." Taeyang hissed, his patience wearing thin.

"Tae- please..." Nana whimpered in a high and quivering tone. She was terrified. Her life in the hands of this stranger and Taeyang. She trusted him completely, despite how she acted like she didn't. As the grip around her neck tightened her eyes opened wide and she started choking, her sharp nails digging into the arm constricting her breathing, but they did nothing. Taeyang jolted forward but the man shot near Taeyang's foot and he stopped.

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