Chapter 1

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When I first saw his dark, haunting eyes, my heart melted. His curly hair and unbelievable smile was almost too perfect. However, he was like a thorn in my side, asking the most disturbing qestions and cracking sick jokes. . .

"Hello, how may I help you?" I ask at the counter. He wore simple jeans with tennies, a white shirt and hoodie.

"I'm in the mood for something fruity," The customer says.

"Drink or food?" I ask.

"Drink," He replies.

" Warm or cool?"


"I suggest a smoothie. Mango is my preference." I say. After a moment he nods, asking for a large and a cookie.

"Name?" I ask.

"Harry," He replies.

"For here or to-go?"

"To-go." Harry says. I hand him his food and drink and he leaves after handing me the money. I never thought I'd see him again. I wouldn't have thought he mattered in my life.


"I'd like a mango smoothie to-go please," A voice says. I look up to see a familiar face.

"You look vaguely familiar," I say. The costumer looks in his early 20's. His mop of brown hair is a mess.

"I came here last week," He says.

"Oh, that's right! Harry, isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes," He smiles. I hand him his drink and he pays me.

"I'll be a regular!" Harry says. I smile as he leaves. He has a british accent. . . I'm in love with it already.

"So you met Harry?" Mr. Chase, my boss, asks me latter on.

"Yeah," I reply. "He seems nice"

"Ha!" He laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"He's a street boy. He charms all the girls. He's a player. He's not good for a young girl whose got a future and a life to live," Mr. Chase says.

"Oh," I mumble, twiddling my thumbs. He looked so kind, with his plump lips and kind eyes.

"My point is Grace, stay away from Harry. He's not what you need."

I go back to cleaning tables, hoping Mr. Chase was wrong.


"Grace, you can take the day," Mr.Chase says at two.

"Why sir?" I wonder.

"It's a holiday," Mr. Chase says.

"It's a Tuesday," I remind him.

"Your Grandma is in the hospital again, dear."

Eyes ( A Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now