chapter 7

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Bad guys POV

Yes Im Brian. Im here in this small town to get her. To keep her safe from Harrys dark magic. He did it to my sister. He wont do it. Not like the last time!

Graces POV

Its been a week and a half after Harry and I "chat" and that scream. I keep having nightmares about that scream. I have a feeling it was female. The girl could have gotten killed, raped, kidnapped or who knows what other nasty things. Also I keep dreaming about Harry. One dream he died saving me. The next he kissed me. And I kissed him back. Its scaring me. All these dreams Im having. I have a feeling I should tell Harry. Maybe just the dreams about the girl and that scream. To get it off my mind maybe.

"Hey Grace." My friend Ella comes to me and says. "Hey girl." I say. "Long time no see!" Which makes Ella smile and agree with me. After a sadly, short conversation with her I feel pretty good.

It took my mind off of what happened in the woods and Harry. Harry who I cant seem to get off my head. Harry who I think about 24/7. In ways it scares that crap out of me. In others ways I love it, which scares me the most.

Harrys POV:

I got a note from Amanda today. I brightened my mood straight away.


My dad hates you. I still love you though. Come home as soon as possible! Missing you hurts!

with love, Amanda

It warmed my heart to hear from her. Its was so amazing! Like I freaking loved it. Kinda like I freaking love Amanda. So I sent a postcard to her.

Amanda- Miss you too! I want to come home, but well you know. I made a friend though! Her names Grace. Cant write running out of space.


I went to the coffee shop. Grace was there and she was getting off her shift. So we walked home together.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"She suddenly asks as we walk up the sidewalk.

"Kinda....." I say awkwardly.

"Oh." Grace says looking down at the ground.

"I got to go." She informs me running away.

Why do I have to be so gosh darn attractive? I mean its more like a freaking curse. I mean in ways Im not even dating her anymore. And gosh dang it Grace might even be crying.

Graces POV: Its been a week after I asked that dumb, stupid question. I knew that was a bad idea. A huge darn risk. Stupid. Ugh!

I remember that I have Harrys number so I call him up.

"Hello?" His voice rings in my ear. "Harry, Its Grace." I say into the receiver. As soon as I say its me he douse not talk afterwards which annoys me to no end.

"Fine don't talk. Just listen. I just wanted to say Im kinda sorry I guess for asking you if you had a girlfriend or not. Thats not my place to ask. Its just ever since I meet you, you just didn't leave my mind. I thought asking and you say yes would tell me to move on. But the thing is Harry, I didn't move on. I kept thinking about you. Its seemed to make me sadder. Thats all." I tell him. Pouring out my heart to him.

After him not answering I decided to hang up. ".....Bye Harry...."

"Wait Grace." His voice finally re appears. I ask him what he wants. "I just, Im sorry. we broke up with each other wednesday....we figured it was best.....Considering I like you and she likes another." Harry says to me.

And after all that all I can say is, "Wait, Harry you like me!?" I can hear that hot, beautiful laugh of his. "Yeah. I do Grace." I feel my cheeks start to get that stupid honey glow and thankful that he cant see me. I hear his laugh again pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sorry. Zoned out." I explain to him. He laughs and I laugh too. I smile something awful.

"Were you day dreaming about us?" Harry asks me.

"Nope. I was just thinking about how Im glad you cant see me right now because Im blushing bad." I inform him which makes him laugh into the phone.

"Well I got to go out for an interview." Harry says.

"For what?" I ask him.

"Pizza hut delivery."

"Oh! Well good luck!" I tell him. He thanks me then we hang up. I still Cant believe he gave up his former love for me. That just makes me smile!

Harrys POV:

What did I just do? I ask my self. Im such a freaking idiot! And that annoys me. No it scares me. Angers me and crushes me. But it will crush Amanda and Grace most. And thats what worries me. I call Amanda and pray she picks up. And she douse.

"Harry, we need to talk." Is the first thing she tells me.


"Well I miss you babe. Like a lot!" "Me too Amanda."

"Ill sneak over and see you tomorrow." She tells me.

"How?" I ask.

"Ill sneak in a suite case and catch a plane to wherever your at!" I can tell shes smiling and blushing. "Whats your hair look like today?" I ask her. "Straight and long down my back with side bangs pinned back."

"I can imagine you. Like our first date. You wore that blue sun dress and we went out for coffee." I remind her.

"Yeah. I remember." She says. "Well I got to go Taylor!" Amanda says. "Your Dad around?" I ask her "Ya Taylor Ill be sure to try it!" which means yes her Dads around.I tell her bye and and she hangs up. What am I gonna do now?

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