Chapter 32

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Harrys POV (A few days latter)

"No mum you dont get it! Its not all my fault! She never let me even speak!"

"Son! You kept kissing girls!"

"Mum they kissed me first!"

"Harry, you kissed Amanda."

"I was drunk!"

"Thats a lame ecscuse Harry and you know it!"

My mother can be so darn frustrating sometime. I told her the whole story of Grace and I's stormy relationship. And isnt the mum supposed to be on your side? Because mine is saying, 'I know its tough. You will make things right again.' Shes basically saying she hope I clean up the mess I made. Well I alway am cleaning them up cause Im such a screw up. Maybe I shouldn't be here. Why didn't God choose me instead of her? I miss her. Its my fault. Its my fault all the things and people I love drift away from me.

"Mum, Im sorry...." I tell her. She pats my head, "Its okay, but you shouldn't be apologizing to me."

I glare at her.

"Just saying!" My mum says to me.

I head up to the guest room with a cup of tea. I really need to do some thinking.

Graces POV

After Harry left I didnt self harm or cry. Instead, I vomited. Then Amanda made me some soup and sent me to bed. When I woke up at one in the afternoon the next day, I showered. And yes, self harmed. It kinda felt good. Amanda saw the cuts and then she wouldn't leave me alone.

If I was in the bathroom for more than five minutes shed barge in. I slept with a baby monitor on my side table. None of us went to work or left any were without eachother. She was over protecting me. I was adult, not a child. Theres a difference. Anyways it went on like that for a few days. On the fourth day she made me have appointments. Doctors, dentist, consular, hair cut, nail and massage. Its was annoying yet so refreshing.

On the fifth day, I felt better. I ate a bunch of salad and felt better. Health wise. Heart wise, I felt changed.... I felt like half of me was gone. It hurts, the heart ache. The missing and wanting.


"Baby its all right....hey its okay." Harrys hushed voice comforts me. "Harry, it hurts." I say.

"What dose doll?" He asks

"You being gone....."

"I can always come back."

"Harry, you wont this time" I stutter

"I what doll? I what?" He asks.

"You don't want me."

"What? Babe...."

"No Harry you left me you hate me. Im un wanted." I sniffle.

The dreams keep coming. This time about Harry. The vision switches. Im laying on my bed my Dad storms in. Before I know it my brothers running, my Father chasing him, my mother comforting my shaky and shivering body.

When I wake up cold and yet hot at the same time, Im crying. I want him. I miss him. Harrys gone and my brothers alive.

Harrys POV

"Harry you screwed up!" Amanda's voice rings clear through the phone. "Manda, She wouldn't let me explain!" I defend myself. Why am I defending myself? I did screw up and I did hurt. I keep hurting her and she keeps letting me in. Why not this time?

"Don't you dare defend yourself and blame her." Amanda warns me.

"I want her though!"

"Harry Im gonna let go for now....."

"Don't hang up on me Amanda!" I yell at her threw the phone.

"Goodbye Harry." She whispers and the call ends.

I walk out the door in the pouring rain and head to Graces house. I will not give up just like that.


I catch her as she walks home an umbrella covering her delicate body. The rain drops falling lightly landing on the black umbrella.

"Grace!" I call out. She ignores me, typical. I walk in front of her. She ignores me walking past me. She never ignores me.

"Grace babe...." I plead. She turns around and scream "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Shes slowly slipping away from me.


Okay sorry its taken me forever to update! And I have some depressing news, Eyes is coming to a close. Remember I love you all!

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