Chapter 21

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Harrys POV

Im wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Pretty simple. Grace has on denim shorts, a navy blue shirt, and white converse. She has her long brown hair now down to her hips is in a french braid.

"You look lovely." I tell her.

"Thanks. You too." She says

Its been two weeks since Ive been back. And we keep trying to make it work.

"So what are we doing Har?"

"We will be going to lunch and then we will go to my mums for dinner!"

"Well hang on let me change!" Grace says.

"Why babe you look nice!" I ask

"Well I'm just changing into a nice dress! Im not goin to look like a bum in front of your mum!"

"Grab a dress and whatever push it into a bag and you can change at the bathroom in the mall." I says.

"Fine!" She laughs. "Lets go silly you can stare at me while I drive!"

"But I wanna drive!" I wine

"But you'll stare at me the whole time Har!" She giggles. "Besides I really wanna drive!" She smirks.

"But youll stare at me" i wink

"How about this, i drive to luch so you can stare at me then you drive me to your mums while I glance at the view!" She smiles

"Babe your the smartest girl out there!" I smile at her

"Oh you!"

"No! Its true!"

"Hahah very funny!"

"Im just trying to be nice.....Im sorry...." I turn my smile into an pouty face.

"Awwee baby no Its fine, I was just joking along..." She hugs me.

"Gotcha." I whisper into her hair.

"Not funny Styles!"

"Then stop laughing!" I tease her.


"So you still mad at me that I paid?" I ask Grace as we get in my car to my mums.

"No." She says firmly

"What is it then babe?" I ask.

"Is it that waitress who kept glaring at you and wanting me?"

"Yes Harry it is." She says

"Oh Im sorry babe...."

"You know your mine and thoes waitresses aren't going to get you right?" Grace asks.

"Well the waitresses and me would both get our butts kicked if that happened." I laugh

"Watch it Styles. She says sternly.

"But yes." She stifles out a laugh.

"Love you My Gracie boo!!" I say.

"Love you too my Har bear!


"Hey Mum! This is Grace." I say as I give my mom a quick hug.

"Oh hello! Im so happy to finally meet you! Harry talks about you non stop!" Mum says

"Muuumm!!!" I complain

"No Harry its cute! Im glad you talk about me!" Grace says.

"Mum Im warning you, Grace is such a stinker!" I say pocking Graces nose.

"Gemma here Ms.Styles?" Grace asks.

"Oh yes! Har, shes in the kitchen and Grace, do call me Anne dear." Mum smiles sweetly as I lead Grace to the kitchen.

Gemma is in the middle of washing her hands. I come up behind her and tickle her sides. She turns around and gives me a huge hug.

"Missed you Bub." She whispers in my ear.

"Missed you to Gem." I smile. "Oh and I want you to meet, Grace!" I say gesturing towards her.

"Oh hi?" She says. Right then mum walks in.

"Oh Gemma I forgot to tell you Harry was bring his new friend over for dinner!" Leave it to Mum to Forget!

"Gemma, Grace is my girl." I explain.

"As in your Girlfriend!?"

"Yes Gemma."

"Did Dad....?"

"Yes. But I kinda told him off......" I say. Grace comes up and rubs my arm.

"Its okay Har." She says. I smile down at her.

"So how long have you guys been erm together?" Gemma asks.

"About four months." I say.

We decided to add the time before and this time now.

"But in October wed have known each other for a year." Grace adds in. I smile at her glad she finally spoke up. Gemma smiles.

"If my bubs a jerk, lemme know." She winks.

"Gem, really?"

"I have to annoy you like that Haz! Your my bubby!" Gem says in a child's voice.

Grace sits on a chair snickering.

"Shut up you." I say. Her smile quickly turns into a frown. Gem's eyes look at me sternly. I go over to Grace. I lean down, "Hey babe, Im sorry! I swear I didnt mean to!" I say. I pull her in for a hug.

"Gotcha." She whispers.

We stand up.

"Erm? What?" Gemma asks confused.

"I was getting him back for earlier." Grace giggles.

"Wait so that didn't bug you that he said 'shut up'?" Gemma asks.

"No. we say that to each other all the time. He did something like that to me this morning." Grace giggles.

"Babe your such a good actor!" I say.

"Right back at ya Har bear!" Grace says.

"Dont call me that in front of people!" I wine.

"Oh shush child!" She says patting my head.

"Hey Im taller than you!" I say.

"Sure whatever!" She laughs.

"You two are adorable!!" Gemma and mum both say. Graces checks turn red.

"Oh hun did we embarrass you?" Mum asks. Grace nods.

"Get used to it!" Gemma responds sticking out her tongue which makes Us all laugh.

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