Chapter 19

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Harrys POV (April)

Its been since before christmas last year since Ive talked to Grace. I tried to focuse on a relationship, but its not the same. Grace still sticks in my heart and I hate it. I hate it becuase I have this gut feeling shes gone and forgoten about me. I dodnt even get to meet her famliy or know her past life. I have a feeling that I was about to find out before I messed stuff up. Some times I feel like such a screw up and its not funny.

Graces POV

Ill be starting collage once fall starts. Ill go to Park University. I have no idea what I want to do though. Arg this sucks.

But what sucks more than that, is the fact that Harry is still here. As in, in my mind. I miss him.....

I want him. But I know he will just hurt me. I cant have that.

Ive started to regret growing up. Like I get why Peter pan never wanted to grow up. And right now all I want is to go to never land. I miss my childhood.

I miss walking up at 8 and running outside to play with friends, not caring that I looked like crap, when we were innocent and the only bad things we did was not eat our vegetables. I miss that Because right now I feel like everything Im doing is just so wrong.

And Im still mad at myself.At first I wasnt sure why I was, but now I know. Im mad for always be nice, always apologizing, for getting hurt, depending on Harry and wasting my time on him.i Im mad cause I always told him I was sorry and I always forgave him. Im mad because I want him and I dream about it him. And I know I should hate Harry for what he did but I just cant......

Harrys POV

I cant move on. Im still just stuck. I know she should hate me. I hate me too. But Im sitting here, tears falling down my face and Im chocking on the words I want to tell you. Im drinking cheap bottles of wine and punching wholes in the wall. Shes got me sitting here, replaying every memory, every happy time we spent together. And I cant help but think,

Does she love me? Love me like I love her?



"Yea Harry?"

"Im coming to visit in June."





"She says shes over you, but, like I'd believe that."

Amanda and I talk for almost an hour or two and it feels so good. I miss Amanda. Finally we say our goodbyes and I cant believe it.

Grace misses me.

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