Chapter 31

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Harrys POV (February)

Im on my way home from work and I want to surprise Grace with some coffee. I order the drinks and then I use the restroom. As I walk out, I bump into Rain. Who before you know it her lips connect with mine.

This girl is addicted to me and had this obsession with me and its scaring me.

Graces POV

I walk into the coffee shop to buy me and Harry some coffee. As I walk in the door, I see her and him. No. Not again.

Rain and him making out. Again. Except this time, we never took a brake. Me and him are still together. My heart breaks right there and right then.

Harrys eyes and mine lock and he pulls away chasing after me.

"Grace, please baby, Im sorry!" He cries. But Im tired and I dont feel like bitting back. He follows me to the apartment.

"Grace it was not what it looked like!"

"Im not even gonna answer that!" I cry.

"Grace, baby, Im sorry...."

"Harry stop! If you really wanna have a woman whos open to any opportunity to get in bed with you then just say it to my face and leave me! Im sorry Im not worth the wait! Im sorry Im not quite ready. Im sorry! Im dont know what Im doing so wrong though!!" I yell at him. Who cares if Im too tired to fight. Im more tired of feeling like a failure.

Harrys POV

"I dont know what Im doing so wrong though!" Grace cries instantly. Can she not see? Shes making me crazy! Shes getting every girl jealous. Because shes got me. Shes got what they all want. Shes driving me insane. Im not myself when Im with her. Im a different, more loving person whenever Im with her and if anything shes doing everything right.

"Grace,hon, I love you..." I simply say.

"Then stop cheating on me!" She yells.

"Cheating on you? Its just a few kisses! Jezz!"

"A few kisses that should be mine!"

"Grace calm down! Its not a big deal." Right its not a big deal....its not like I slept with any of them.

"Its not a big deal?" She starts laughing. "If its not a big deal than why do I feel broken and crushed?" She asks.

"Because, your a wimp!" I shout with out thinking. What am I doing? Im going to loose her....I already know that. Its already registered in my brain.

Graces POV

"Im the wimp? Im the bad guy now? Cuz apparently I am. Im done Harry." I say.

"Babe, dont go...please..." He whimpers.

"Ive tried Harry. We've tried. I forgave you so many times already." I say.

"Just Im going for a walk, so I can think things through. I dont wanna be too rash." I inform him leaving him there.

Okay so, hes done this time after time before. Its just like any other time right? Wrong because he promised me last time he would stop this. Hed only stay with me. He promised and he broke that promise. And besides that fact? Well, you dont go around being a player kissing girls. And that better be all they did.

Also, you just dont leave your girlfriend for some cheap, washedout freak! Again and agin. You dont leave your girl friend for anyone. He said he loves me. But how can I forgive him when he hurts me time and time again? How can he say Im all he wants when I just saw him kissing someone else's lips? How can one guy mess with me this much? How can one guy break me like Im made of paper? How can one person do so much damage. You can say and do all the bad thins to a person but theres only so much they can take where they just give up. Well Im not gonna end my life. Not yet anyways. Ive still got some stuff to do.

I walk back to the apartment.

"Harry, your loosing her! You cant go keep kissing Rain! Your lucky she didnt catch you last time." I hear Amanda's voice. I open the door.

"What?" I sternly ask Harry.

"Nothing" he grits his teeth.

"Oh you didnt tell her? Like you didnt tell her about her brother?" Amanda asks.

"What!" I yell.

"Grace....the guy that tried to rape you in the woods is your brother." Harry sighs.

"Lier." I whisper.

"You kissed Rain behind my back?"

"No....well she kissed me first!" Harry defends him self.

I grit my teeth. "Get out Harry."


"Get out." I say again.

"What? No! Im not leaving you!!" He yells.

"GET OUT OF MY DARN APARTMENT NOW!" I loose my temper.

"You dont want me? You want me to leave you alone? Would you like it if I died?" Harry asks.

"If you died Id want you to go rot in hell." I reply. And I have a scary feeling I mean it.

"Harry go." Amanda steps in.

"Fine. Dont you dare ever talk to me again." Harry says.

Harrys POV

Im done. Ive tried. She wont believe me. Amanda and her both hate me. Im done trying to make her happy.

I stomp into the room and grab all my clothes, throwing them in a trash bag. Grace is in the bathroom, ether crying or cutting. At this point I really dont care. Im done. I walk out of her apartment and get in my car. I turn the music up super load. Unwell by Matchbox Twenty is on the my playlist.

I know I will be okay. Just not right now.

"Rain, Im on my way over." I call her. Maybe I can get my mind off of this crap with her lips on mine.


I wake up on Rains bed feeling guilty as ever. I get in my car before Rain wakes up. I drive to my mums.

When I get there shes drinking a cup of tea. She gives me a comforting hug and then lets me go to the guest bed room. I catch up on my sleep. By the time I wake up its 12:47 and there are 3 missed phone calls. One forms Rain the other two are from Amanda.

I dont care though. Im done. These three females have ruined my life. Grace, well Grace ruined it most. And she doesn't have to worry anymore, I wont ever call her baby or sexy or babe or the woman I love ever again.

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