chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Graces POV

I sit alone on the coach and hold my self under a blanket. My iPhones right by me. I check out Instagram. Then I get a text from Harry.

"Got the job at pizza hut 😏"

I smile to my self then text him back.

"Yay!🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊..... Btw grab me a tub of ice cream and coffee plz! Ill play u back!"

"Nah its on me!"

Suddenly my twitter DM message pops up.

"Hello, this is Amanda. Harrys girl friend. I haven't heard from him lately. And he tagged u in a tweet once. Anyways just wanted to see if he was ok!" Im stunned. Shocked.

"He said you broke up weeks ago....." I message her back.

"Is he cheating on us?" She DMs me back. Just then theres a knock on my door. I open it and Harry comes in with the ice cream and a pumpkin spice coffee.

I quickly DM Amanda back.

"Well he's here at my apartment. What should I do?" I ask.

"Ask if he has any friends back home in England. If he had a girlfriend before you. who she was that stuff. Make him admit that he's cheating on us." Amanda suggests. I agree and lock my phone.

"Who are you texting?" Harry asks me.

"No one...."

"Who?" But I wont tell him. Then I leave to go get my laundry real quick. Hoping he wont see our messages.

Harrys POV

I see the messages....

Im so stupid! Crap, what was I thinking? Im screwed. I know it. I hear foot steps and I think its her. I loch her phone and put it down.

The door opens. To my surprise its Two girls. Amanda and Grace.

"Why Harry?" Grace asks. She looks so hurt.

"We should have seen it coming." Amanda says.

"Who do you really love Harry?" Grace asks. I gulp.

"Tell us Harry..."

"Grace. i love you. Amanda i tried to tell you. But every time something got in the way...."

The two girls crack up so much. Im just sitting here like what the crap?

Finally Amanda gets enough air and says, "Harry its fine! We did that to scare you! Ive known you've been dating my bestie for a while!"

"Bestie?" I ask.

"She was an exchange student from England in 8th grade and we still kept in touch!" Grace says. Im so freaking relived right now!!

"Didn't I tell you like a week ago anyways?" I ask Amanda.

"Yes! Stupid!" Amanda says and we all burst out laughing. Amanda goes to get some pizza down the street and me and Grace just hug the whole time.

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